The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Thats sum old skool gangsta shit lax ha luv it ... fckn easy e yea .. cruisin dwn the street in my 64 ha ... but snoop is my fav dude is a fckn legend and has always been very vocale about weed smokin


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's a welcome change. Yeah snoops a legend. He's a straight up lad n all.been with his wife since school #whipped


Well-Known Member
Alright lads so I hear this is the place to get drugs and cuttings am I right? Lol I'm just chuffing on a nice cheese and bunnke hash joint after a neet shift canna wait to get in that bed side shot the Mrs and go to sleep with thumb in gob lmao...I'm got a lemon haze throwing out time mutant leaves any one else seen the traits in the zlh? Some are just 1 fingerz I'll get a few pics on 2 moro neet naaaa mean home breads?
you can run but u cant hide...ha ha so busted mate lol nice one and good idea btw re biz


Well-Known Member
so I see we had a bit of sunshine fun, nice to see him back really got the thread moving, albeit on a tide of hate lol but who cares if its funny

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member

I'm getting seriously pissed off with whichever arsehole keeps deleting my legitimate posts with no explanation or apparent reason whatsoever.

I make a post about giving away a set of second hand bubble bags for free and it gets deleted.


Seriously dude, you and/or your staff need to give your head a shake and stop treating long term members like Adrian fucking Cronauer!

So I'll post my 'well within the rules' statement again and this time I don't expect to come back tomorrow to see it missing.


Well-Known Member
Shit its still same old people on ere, @yorkie did you ever get round to using triacontanol? I have to say the 5g I had that I added half to dutch pro A then half to B did seem to make a difference but not nothing to be excited about by the end of the grow plants without it were only about 6g behind the ones with but I put that down to me not using it properly. What I did find though is this thing called triaboost in liquid form on ebay it has ga3 in it also but I used this and it is 100x better than explode or canna boost and cheaper. Out of all the boosts I have experimented with in the last 18 months this by far out performs the others denser buds all around bigger buds. I will be starting my ak47 grow in 2 weeks and will be using this so you can see for yourself. Not been on for a while was gettin overly paranoid bout bein on ere but fuk it.... fuk da police.......

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I won't be going near the Triacontanol again until after the new year when I've got myself an ultrasonic homogenizer and a lot of space to work with.

Triacontanol (being a waxy alcohol) isn't water soluble and using propylene glycol to make solution kills off the Tria making it nearly useless, sonication is needed to make a proper solution.

To be honest I'm very skeptical that Triacontanol works with cannabis at all.
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I grew some Basil in a garden greenhouse side by side test of natural vs Triacontanol though.

That did certainly work, the Triacontanol sprayed Basil was 3x the size of the untreated one at the same age.

Bigger, stronger, more essential oil content, just bigger and better all round.


Well-Known Member
Ye I questioned its uses with cannabis at harvest 6g is just splittin hairs that could have been down to many factors. The triaboost stuff though that was 15g per plant difference but that has ga3 in it also which was the reason I went with the triacontanol originally cuz I heard that ga3 causes hermies. But I jus thought fuk it they wouldn't make it if its that bad and aint had any hermies so I'm thinkin that you need a large amount of it to cause problems. That one is defo the best of all boosts I have tried in the last 18months I also used the same strain throughout dinafem og kush clones of same mother in canna coco pro plus. I found canna boost to leave a slight rabbit food smell to buds. Dutch pro explode is good so long as you use dutch pro base nutes otherwise its crap. Organics is defo either plant magic or bio bizz. Canna bio range is ok but not as good as the other 2. Yeild wise in coco or hydro I would say the triaboost out performs canna or dutch pro, dutch pro and triaboost don't leave a smell regardless of base nutes I tried it with canna base nutes and then with dutch pro. but in soil I would only use plant magic or bio bizz.