The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Football violence has never been about the football.

It stemmed from men/teenagers and a perceived needed "identity" among them in working class Britain 100's of years ago, as well as various sub-cultures over the years using the terraces as a front for their identity.

You young lads don't understand it because football is no longer a sport of the working class and hasn't been for a long time, my football team is Leeds United and these days I'd be lucky to go see them play at home for less than a £100 day out!

Long before video games, the internet and shite TV like X-Factor for kids to relate to...........there was football.


Well-Known Member
i totally agree yman only from what ive read ive never been involvled in no footy violence mind, but your stronging it abit with you the ''young lads'' in here??? lol


Well-Known Member
Another good one is some video in making iso n their so fucking stereotypical Africa American it's hilarious! every 30 secs you hear STRAIGHT KUSH here is the lad
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Well-Known Member

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
It will do the job but Vents TT fans are shite and cheaply made, it will start to rattle and lose balance after a year or so of use and if you hook it up to a carbon filter it will lose around half of it's pressure, I can't use the higher speed setting on mine anymore because the balance is so fucked.
I use it for the drying tent now, all it's capable of.

And that quoted price is fucking ridiculous mate.
You can get an RVK, Rhino, RAM fan for the same or similar money and they're proper kit.