The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
did you miss the "lol"at the end of my sentance ? having a laugh mate other words go and enjoy your self and stop sucking your own dick like you sound you are from your last post :).

relax«««««««take note
Haha good one but... I'm hilarious dude of course I'm gonna laugh at my jokes


Well-Known Member
see i fucking told yas some wisdom was about to hit the thread just call me mystic meg or septic peg etc lmao

how ya doing mate? u all good?
Hahahahahahaha , ow be Septic ?, it's harvest festival in our house, had the best results from the co's since I been doing em,this grow, with only Tom food & seaweed ! Fuck paying any more than £12 on a grow in future lol.
Me,Halloween night , frightens the shit out meself ! Lol


Well-Known Member
for exo I rec u r rite, so what the regime and which tomy nutes man?
"Wilkinson's" advanced Tom nutes added to res every fill, ml/lte as dir on bottle, seaweed added as dir on bottle one a week m8, grown in canna terra this time , if I can be fucked , I will get pics up tomoz, pulling now@9weeks, supprised fuck out of me lol ! ESP as I had mite up untill 2 week flower ! Madness .hope u & youres are good m8 .