Your Last Weed Break


Well-Known Member
Every now and again we need a break. Not just to clear our heads but also to reduce our tolerance levels.

Some of us take breaks voluntarily and some of us need to for work reasons etc.

When was your last break and for how long? Was it voluntarily ? Did that make it easier?

I'm on a 48 hour break and its only been 7 hours. It's midnight now and my mind feels clear like a cold winters morning, plus I'm not tired- yet. It's not by choice so I'm not enjoying it. Last time I gave up was for 2 weeks and that was years ago, voluntarily.
When I travel for work, it's not a biggie for me to take a few days off completely -knowing- it's not really an option to partake. going on a week, then i'd experience side effects like severe bitchiness and sleep issues ;)

2-4 days, no problem... interesting how the mind clears up! ps /tuck temptation away
I never take breaks

420 blaze it up all day neeeiiiiuuuuuuggggghhh

Lol no I onlu smoke every now and then and I hate being.high

I just like a few tokes to be relaxed

Not being spaced out lol I can't handle it
Temptation is running high! I actually gave up at 3am but then smoked in the day til 5pm.

There's glass jars everywhere with remnants of this years outdoor etc plus I just had 2 indoor harvests.

Earlier on I actually rolled a joint for my bf and made him go out on the terrace. Then I followed him out there and said "wow, that smells amazing, I better go back inside". He's passed out now and I'm glad I've got RIU, my second addiction! Lol
It's easily my third habit riu, along with java. damn there may be more.

have some munchies, beverages or candy to treat yourself to. exercise if ya get too distracted heh. you got it! you've already had enuf fun this week.... just p/u them jars outta sight, ;) i barely ever take breaks, let me know how it goes.
My last break was Jan-Feb for the China trip. 5 weeks! Could ya do it LaHottie? 5 weeks!!

No but I remember when you did it. Plus your dilemma over selling to get that camera lens.

Were you hoping to score there, just on the off chance? I've scored even in Malaysia which was great in the 3 weeks I was there.

5 weeks is too much for me, I'd take my hat off to you, if I was wearing one! You must have had a lovely first joint when you got back.

There's a port here and I know people who work on private yachts. They have to give up and get tested. Then they go off for 3 mths or so making thousands tax free and then return.
I smoked at least one joint a day for 16 years and everyone said i was an addict and couldnt quit for a week.
So i quit for 6 months.
Toughest thing ive ever had to do then on the 6 month anniversary i said ok point proven now everyone can fuck off and started smoking twice as much.
Now i smoke wayyyy to much all day everyday
Im currently on a break. Quit in june to come up to north dakota and work in the oilfields. I did however go home for my 21st birthday in october and couldnt help but to toke upto celebrate. Man I got so freakin high I couldnt comprehend comprehension.
Im thinking I might just say fuck it and stark toking soon. I love the job and pay is great, I just miss weed. It completes me. Only thing is I live in company housing so itd be hard for me to discreetly toke. And I have no connects up here. Fuck me right
I took one early this year. I can't remember how long it was. Been going strong since June... probably going to stop again soon... I try to do one a year. It's usually 2-4 months in length. I got past 6 months one year, thought that was pretty good... considering I smoke/vape constantly when I'm on...
I know it's not "cool" to have self control enough to take breaks, but I sure do get tripped the fuck out when I smoke/vape after the break. It's downright dangerous. Gonna-get-sucked-into-the-black-hole-if-you-dont-lean-back dangerous...
I just had an 8 hour weed break, im almost dreading how destroyed im about to become with this here dab...

I faltered at 5 am and have to do it again! I got so sick of not being able to sleep. 10 mins later I was catching my Zzzz's!

Joder! No es divertido ahora. Yo compráis Dormadina en la farmacia. 48 horas es necessito? Me ayudas porfa!! Después mañana te llamo! :)
What happens if you keep testing positive? Besides costing them time and money.

I just spoke about that with my bf. I said its better if I do the test, even if I just about fail it. I think it looks bad getting a friend to do it.

I'm not sure, they are going to drive to meet me in a patrol car and then I will prob do the cotton bud test again.

I'll do about 36 hours. 48 seems unnecessary.
So tomorrow afternoon sometime we should know.