Your Last Weed Break

Ive been out for 5ish weeks... not so bad, not planned. Nothing available to me but the high test, and finances dont allow right now. Usually only smoke to sleep so im overtired and grumpy. Started a new job this week, so if all goes well ill get back to it soon.
Not a big deal to me but im sure my honey doesnt appreciate my bourbon substitute.
I have been sober of everything for a year now. I am in a custody battle and have alrwady had a few blood hair follicle and urine test. My child is more important than "drugs" or alcohol. I would love to smoke now as it helps my anger, helps me sleep, helps relax and pain relief from being bent over fixing cars all day. But cant do anything and wont do anything
Took a involuntary break for about 2 1/2months due to an "uninformed and out of touch" pain management doc. Found a new doc and decided I had enough of the meds. I'm almost done with my taper and weed gets me much higher now without the opioids in my system. It's kinda funny, I found out that the weed I grew is much better than I thought. Everyone that smoked some always said how good it was but I was never that impressed. Now I can honestly say, "my buds are good".
Wow! Really surprised at the responses. Some of you guys left it for ages. Some of you had to, understandably.

I wonder if I'll ever have enough of it?
I quit once for about 5yrs. Met an awesome women that kept me completely satisfied. She had no problems with me smoking, I just sorta phased it out (smoked a little once in awhile), spent my money on other fun activities and travel. No regrets at all. She's gone and I got back into weed more than ever. Life goes on.....
I'm so high off the blue rhi!
Normal people says it very strong and I feel about 16 again!

So, I did 41 hrs just to do a breathalizer. The police were really nice and quite young. They asked if it was for alcohol and I told them it was a low level of MJ. Told them I don't drink and when the test came up 0.00 they must've trusted me about being 'super clara' on the weed.

All in all I'd say the weed break was not a good experience at all as it wasn't voluntary but the run in with the police has been a great lesson to me. Not cheap at €800 fine ( I think, awaiting lab results from second swab) but also could've been a lot, lot worse. I've stepped up my game now and the bike is out of the question.

If any of you guys can just quit and sleep easily then I take my hat off to you! I will never do it without sleeping pills.

How I would love to see a picture of you 'dressed for success' LOL!

As for breaks I took one in 9/2012. I came completely off opiates (22 years) and pot is taking it's place. So mostly I'm stoned and useless. But I'm much happier than I was and my hubby is getting all the sex the poor man can handle and then some (pot gets me physical). So it's kind of funny. I made my entire life off my IQ. People respected and hated me.

Now I can't tie my shoes easily but I evince less hostility, overall win methinks!
How I would love to see a picture of you 'dressed for success' LOL!

As for breaks I took one in 9/2012. I came completely off opiates (22 years) and pot is taking it's place. So mostly I'm stoned and useless. But I'm much happier than I was and my hubby is getting all the sex the poor man can handle and then some (pot gets me physical). So it's kind of funny. I made my entire life off my IQ. People respected and hated me.

Now I can't tie my shoes easily but I evince less hostility, overall win methinks!

You just made me LOL on the metro in front of all these people.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks your husband is a very lucky man. I'm sure you thoroughly entertain him. :)

I'm not working right now, I'm out with my dog and nicely stoned. The bike's at home. Got to see my ex who's a lawyer. Some other shit has come up. Honestly, never a dull moment in La Hada life. I have the best and worst luck. Things happen in 3's too.