Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
And then there was 2........and 1/2 lol.
Im going to water the last 2 tomorrow. And then when they are dry again I'll chop .
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Thats the bahia blackhead buds. Been flowering since beginning of september at LEAST. how much longer. New years harvest? Lol

What do the trichomes look like?? I am guessing the sativa genes are stronger in this girl. Maybe that is why she is taking so long...


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I've read this strain is "mostly indica" but the pack of beans I popped only yielded me one pheno that was indsica Dom like 70/30 type buds. Everything else was like 60% sativa or more. Its cool tho because I have more than enough couchlock buds lol. There is a very hashy couchlocky pheno of the Bahia blackhead. That is the one in the ground too.

@Mohican how much bud did that plant yield ya?


Well-Known Member
Clean Garden-
We cleaned out the garden today, everything is in my burn pile. Rototilled the old soil from the grow bags to use next year. I'll rototill in items as the winter goes by to have the soil ready by March for my spring run.
finished garden 007.JPG
Trash can lids were used as trimming trays, they were washed and are drying. A few of the vegetables are still producing, I'll start my winter veggie garden tomorrow by planting seeds. finished garden 002.JPG finished garden 004.JPG finished garden 012.JPG finished garden 011.JPG

Empty weed cage
finished garden 010.JPG
finished garden 003.JPG finished garden 006.JPG finished garden 005.JPG finished garden 007.JPG
Great season, no issues, happy that the season is almost over, just a few more days.



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Well-Known Member
Field Of Green Cookies 2014:
Too bad I had to mow down this field for other projects.

Diesel and Kush Garden 2014:

This WAS my newly transplanted 8 pound Big Bomb x Purple Mayhem monster in her 150 gal home:
Wow how she blew up a 3 days later:

I really need to stop deleting photos and start a journal. Been growing for 10 years and not 1 single journal. Hahaha.
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