Butsack, PK is back east and has a different perspective. Or he's hanging with the worst growers. 20% and up is what we grow. I've sent the same material to different labs and got very similar results. We took 4 nugs about 1.5 grams each. Ground it and mixed together and then split it and sent it. 1-3% variation in labs around the bay and sacramento. I prefer to test a combination of buds from different levels in the canopy. That's why I grind and mix. Not trying to compare dicks, well a little, but like to know the THC, thca, CBD,cbg,cbn, thcva and so on. If you learn what they all do and how they interact. Then truly know what your smoking, and you can pick what works for you off a test printout. Me, I like some cbg and cbn. Those help the couch lock. A few years back the labs were way off. The ones that showed higher readings had more business. Just like the dyno shop that is miscalibrated and shows higher horsepower then you really have. They have more business. People love to stroke their own egos.. But the labs that are still around have got it together. But they are only as good as the people that run them. I like to mix a high CBD strain and high THC strain in my bowl. Many times mixing two or more weeds will give you a better high then any one of them would..