The Dons' Organic Garden

This. Here. Is. Thee. Lone.
Jahjah bagseed I just pulled off our current mu'f$ckin Gravy!

I value it at 4 almost 5 figures, mon..
what a great way to start thee day!!!!!!!!
Will it be a pollen producer or big mama
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Bacteria like surface area and moisture so adding this to a bit of vermipost, then adding that to larger, fungal friendlier, dry mulch, and i gwan water, spreading a bit away from the stem as to not infect her bark, mon.image.jpg
Nutribulleted house plant extras btw
Lol, My pails were busy so last two batches were only in a 2L

The 2.5 Gal is free now I think I will make a 6L tea.
There are non medical plants to adhere to as well mon.
Plus you can innoculate deep son
But yea, I in 2 deep, I know, lol
Whoa...getting serious now! How much tea do you brew at a time?
Whoa...getting serious now! How much tea do you brew at a time?
Anything for the gravy,
Which I would like to re announce we have a Gravy-xxx seed officially, it finished alongside another SLCh, seed came from the bottom larf, 11 week mark harvest
What would you think about a base mix containing the following:
30% leaf mold
30% coco coir
15% worm castings
15% oyster shells
10% cattle manure
This would eliminate the need for bagged soil mixes and be more in line with our organic beliefs.
What would you think about a base mix containing the following:
30% leaf mold
30% coco coir
15% worm castings
15% oyster shells
10% cattle manure
This would eliminate the need for bagged soil mixes and be more in line with our organic beliefs.
its on another level
just curious, what about compost?
mold seems bit high but i haven't read research on it yet.
and aeration, no rice hulls needed?
great direction though
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Also, im finding that compost made from yard waste and kitchen scraps can be wildly inconsistent in a lot of aspects. Dont get me wrong, im all for composting but im thinking it may be best used in the veggie garden.
leaf mold? I think my mix this summer was 3 parts composted cow manure 1 part perlite and enough BX promix To lighten it up. It was close to 3-1-1 ratio. I mixed in bloodmeal, bone meal, soft rock phosphate, greensand, dolimite ag lime, I also used great white mycorrhizae. potassium when I transplanted again when I seen some buds forming. When I first started seeing yellow I hit them with some bloodmeal and it burned a couple plants so I stopped trying to complicate things and just top dress with cow poo. I switched to all organically done products with roots organic base for this winter. I hear so much about it I had to try it. So far so good plants look nice and green a little twisting but I think they'll settle in.
They dont say but they do say zeolite is good fungal food, and they say powdered baby oatmeal is best, heat For 72 hours, in a warm dark place..or until you see:View attachment 3293777

Is Bsm also good food for bacteria? And this chapter was more about getting the food web thriving up to like 14 inches deep and how fungal teas are good for fighting mold and mildew while bacterial teas outcompete pathogens and insects, not that fung. teas don't pester pests too.

Times they said 24 to 36 with their set up, they use a bigger pump and substituted their stones out tho. Commercial can do 12 hours, but gotta be careful bubbles don't pierce microbes.. So probably 36 to 40 until we upgrade, like vc tea. They say numbers don't multiply much for fungus, they more so only grow in size, hence the pre fungal party notes.

As for flowering, interesting. Most annuals and vegetables prefer bacterially alkaline environment is all they say, and to start your fungal networking as early as possible, 6 months ideal. with tlc, be incredible
Good information Don. I'm going to have to get going on my worm bin.
The cute indica. Our smallest 3 gal girl, topped and lst'dimage.jpg

What size grow boxes would be good. Thinking worm farm. 2x4 Layers. Screen less tho