the communist hold on America


Well-Known Member
Dude the communist party them selves said they will not stop till our schools and our children are praising communist ideals

This was back in the 60s

Now look

We share the welth among people who aren't disabled

People seem to not want to have any economic gain again distribution of the wealth

(Mind you communist think there should be no economic gain and no economic class)

And obama let in fucking illegal immigrants in

Communism is exactly what obama is

So sleep safe knowing that were slowly turning communist and liberals are not helping


Well-Known Member
Dude the communist party them selves said they will not stop till our schools and our children are praising communist ideals

This was back in the 60s

Now look

We share the welth among people who aren't disabled

People seem to not want to have any economic gain again distribution of the wealth

(Mind you communist think there should be no economic gain and no economic class)

And obama let in fucking illegal immigrants in

Communism is exactly what obama is

So sleep safe knowing that were slowly turning communist and liberals are not helping
Obama let the illegals in?
The illegal population has declined in numbers and he has deported more than 2 million


Well-Known Member
Maybe i dont understand your graph but it appears that removals have increased and returns have decreased. Which says to me more people would rather not sneak here and more are being deported.. unless im terribly confused?


Well-Known Member
Maybe i dont understand your graph but it appears that removals have increased and returns have decreased. Which says to me more people would rather not sneak here and more are being deported.. unless im terribly confused?
Returns are illegals caught on American soil and the returned back to mexico.
Removal means they are fingerprinted and their immigration record is marked.

Way more illegals were deported under Bush than under Obama, that's a fact.


Well-Known Member
Returns are illegals caught on American soil and the returned back to mexico.
Removal means they are fingerprinted and their immigration record is marked.

Way more illegals were deported under Bush than under Obama, that's a fact.
bush left office with about 12.5 million illegals in america under his watch.

under obama's watch, about 11.1 illegal immigrants.

shouldn't you be thanking obama for satisfying your xenophobic, nativist, racist views?


Well-Known Member
This terminology is so contrived i dont even know what to think. Whoever created this graph is an asshole. It really shows nothing.


Well-Known Member
bush left office with about 12.5 million illegals in america under his watch.

under obama's watch, about 11.1 illegal immigrants.

shouldn't you be thanking obama for satisfying your xenophobic, nativist, racist views?
Maybe you know more about illegal aliens than homeland security does, you sure know a lot about all the members here, with all that investigating you do.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
This terminology is so contrived i dont even know what to think. Whoever created this graph is an asshole. It really shows nothing.
That was homeland security, it's a pretty simple graph.

I explained it in an earlier post.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you know more about illegal aliens than homeland security does, you sure know a lot about all the members here, with all that investigating you do.bongsmilie
are you so poor that you can't afford to pay attention?

we know you're at least poor enough not to be able to afford a steam cleaner rental and some resolve to wash those piss stains out of your carpet.

either that or you don't mind living in filth.


Well-Known Member
are you so poor that you can't afford to pay attention?

we know you're at least poor enough not to be able to afford a steam cleaner rental and some resolve to wash those piss stains out of your carpet.

either that or you don't mind living in filth.
I don't have a stitch of carpet in my whole house.
You still working on that Steve case?:lol:


Well-Known Member
Maybe i dont understand your graph but it appears that removals have increased and returns have decreased. Which says to me more people would rather not sneak here and more are being deported.. unless im terribly confused?
You are terribly confused Boatguy.

Less people are being deported under Obama.
Returned = returned (deported) back to Mexico
Removed = retuned (deported) bac to Mexico after being fingerprint and their immigration record being marked.