moonshiners...i wanna learn


Well-Known Member
Ive been curious for a while too. Im sure i could make a wee still out of a pressure cooker and some copper pipping. or the like. I just need a real redneck, not @tytheguy111 obviously, to give us the basics of a decent mash and how much to throw out with the size of batch to be made. Itd be pretty sick for gifts and

5 pounds of corn meal

5 pounds of sugar

5 gallons of water

a pack of dry active yeast

let sit in a big ass tub for 2 weeks with something on top so no rats craw in (they love that shit)


Well-Known Member
Ive been curious for a while too. Im sure i could make a wee still out of a pressure cooker and some copper pipping. or the like. I just need a real redneck, not @tytheguy111 obviously, to give us the basics of a decent mash and how much to throw out with the size of batch to be made. Itd be pretty sick for gifts and

and by throw out im sure you mean the first drops that make you blind and shit

if your using a pint jar to catch

use the length of your finger nail beside the jar to get a safe estimate

if a quart the first knuckle on your index (the one that bends not the punching knuckle)


Well-Known Member
doesnt it need to be at a certain temperature? then distill?

well for me .......... no lol i dont make shine in the winter thats a summer thing in the cold it hurts worse getting burned by hot ass pipes

but don't let it get below 70ish degrees just stick a space heater next to the fucker lol


Well-Known Member
damnit mayne! what is he saying?!?! I dont speak redneck ty:P

lol i would type on here like i text to people ik like

to say "man that shit was crazy i cant belive he won the mma title" would come out to my text as:

"goddamn boi that mother fuck dun beat his dam ass in2 oblivion that shit was damn crazy as a meth head trying to walk over legos and ill be damned if he didnt get dat dam title i mean did u see the fucker whoop his ass"


Well-Known Member
LOL now im buying more into youyre redneckyttude. I dont think ill be following your adivce. Does ANYONE care to teach me how to make a tiny (1 gallon max or so) of pretty strong moonshine?
Actually Ty's method will start you on the path, you brew it like beer, but then it must be distilled. Google homemade stills to get an idea.


Well-Known Member
LOL now im buying more into youyre redneckyttude. I dont think ill be following your adivce. Does ANYONE care to teach me how to make a tiny (1 gallon max or so) of pretty strong moonshine?

thats how mix those ingredients together

let it sit for 2 weeks (min.)

put it in your still and run it through 2 times that outta be strong as fuck

on time will give you around 100proof or so maybe less maybe more theres alot of variables that affect it but is out of your control

best way to tell if its strong as fuck is to light a spoonful of ur final product

alot of moonshiners actully water it down if its too strong even for them selves lol