Major Myths That Destroy the Black Community


Well-Known Member
this thread presupposes most black people are fucked up. If you actually knew any black people you'd know that's not true. Most of us are doing just fine. We have more fuck ups than you but most of us are doing just fine thank you very much. Stop learning about black culture on TV.

Could you let Uncle Buck know? He's really concerned for you.


Well-Known Member
this thread presupposes most black people are fucked up. If you actually knew any black people you'd know that's not true. Most of us are doing just fine. We have more fuck ups than you but most of us are doing just fine thank you very much. Stop learning about black culture on TV.
Glad you are doing fine but the sad truth is, many blacks aren't.
Calling people racists on forums (not you), pretending you are defending minorities and getting ataboys is blatant mockery.
This story is from a black person, not me, it's not meant to condemn blacks, it'a all about learning.from mistakes within.


Well-Known Member
Glad you are doing fine but the sad truth is, many blacks aren't.
Calling people racists on forums (not you), pretending you are defending minorities and getting ataboys is blatant mockery.
This story is from a black person, not me, it's not meant to condemn blacks, it'a all about learning.from mistakes within.
That black guy got your head all fucked up. Does she even call you now ? again how massive was it.


Well-Known Member
This what you have to say? really?
You are getting as childish as UB.
you really expect someone to acknowledge your stupidity any other way ?
Just tell us why you are an expert on the black/brown race. What makes you so knowing of any problems of anyone but yourself.
Life so fucked for you you have to attempt to put a whole race down because YOU are fucked in the head. Get a gripe and get a life....again how massive was it.


Well-Known Member
you really expect someone to acknowledge your stupidity any other way ?
Just tell us why you are an expert on the black/brown race. What makes you so knowing of any problems of anyone but yourself.
Life so fucked for you you have to attempt to put a whole race down because YOU are fucked in the head. Get a gripe and get a life....again how massive was it.

Your hypocrisy has been flowing thick lately. Going to start calling you "Little Buck".


Well-Known Member
You said you were self employed, are you now saying that it is not legitimate?
you do not need a business license to be self-employed.

you'd know this, but your only experience in being self-employed is pretending to have a contracting business on the internet while you worked customer service for the building supplies company sessemo.


Well-Known Member
you do not need a business license to be self-employed.

you'd know this, but your only experience in being self-employed is pretending to have a contracting business on the internet while you worked customer service for the building supplies company sessemo.
Sure you do, it's the law.


Well-Known Member
nope. just have to put down your name and what you do. no need for a business license.

your mental retardation is not my problem.
really, so they just trust you will be honest about how much revenue you make?
I seriously need to move to where ever you're at.


Well-Known Member
really, so they just trust you will be honest about how much revenue you make?
I seriously need to move to where ever you're at.
it's called the united states of america.

care to show me where they require your business license?

after all, you said it's "the law".

don't have a meltdown when you can't find it, beenthere.


Well-Known Member

State statute (C.R.S § 12-43.3-307; C.R.S. § 12-43.4-306) and Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) Rules 1 CCR 212-1 M 233 & 1 CCR 212-2 R 233 mandate that anyone working within Colorado’s marijuana industries (Medical or Retail) shall be licensed by the MED in order to ensure that they meet mandated statutory requirements.

"The Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) is tasked with licensing and regulating the Medical and Retail Marijuana industries in Colorado. The Division implements legislation, develops rules, conducts background investigations, issues business licenses and enforces compliance mandates in order to maintain a robust regulatory structure. MED promotes transparency and clarity for all stakeholders by utilizing a highly collaborative process through which it develops industry regulations and furthers our primary mission to ensure public safety. "


Well-Known Member

State statute (C.R.S § 12-43.3-307; C.R.S. § 12-43.4-306) and Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) Rules 1 CCR 212-1 M 233 & 1 CCR 212-2 R 233 mandate that anyone working within Colorado’s marijuana industries (Medical or Retail) shall be licensed by the MED in order to ensure that they meet mandated statutory requirements.

"The Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) is tasked with licensing and regulating the Medical and Retail Marijuana industries in Colorado. The Division implements legislation, develops rules, conducts background investigations, issues business licenses and enforces compliance mandates in order to maintain a robust regulatory structure. MED promotes transparency and clarity for all stakeholders by utilizing a highly collaborative process through which it develops industry regulations and furthers our primary mission to ensure public safety. "
good thing i work in the cannabis business then.


Well-Known Member
UB thinks you get a federal business license when you're self employed.:lol:
wanna show me where the law requires you to have a business license?

you made the claim after all.

i gotta run for now, don't have another meltdown while i'm gone, beenthere.


Well-Known Member
wanna show me where the law requires you to have a business license?

you made the claim after all.

i gotta run for now, don't have another meltdown while i'm gone, beenthere.
Neh, Sheskunk already did, she took you to school UB, literally bitch slapped you in front of everyone.