Major Myths That Destroy the Black Community


Well-Known Member
State statute authorizes the MED to issue four classes (types) of Retail Marijuana Business Licenses:

Retail Marijuana Store: facility from which any individual twenty-one years of age or older may purchase up to 1 ounce for Colorado Residents and 1/4 ounce for non-residents. Retail Marijuana may not be cultivated or processed under this license.
Retail Marijuana Product Manufacturing: used exclusively for the manufacture and preparation of retail marijuana products and concentrates. Retail Marijuana may not be cultivated or sold to retail customers under this license - all sales must be made wholesale to Retail Marijuana Stores. If this license class chooses to own and operate a cultivation facility it may not sale any of the retail marijuana that it cultivates except for the retail marijuana that is contained its products.
Retail Marijuana Cultivation: used exclusively for the cultivation of Retail Marijuana plants and the harvesting of Retail Marijuana. If not associated with a Product Manufacturer this licensee may sale Retail Marijuana to other cultivations, stores or product manufacturers within the Colorado Regulated system.
Retail Marijuana Testing Facility: facility that preforms testing and research on Retail Marijuana for other MED licensees.


Well-Known Member
Neh, Sheskunk already did, she took you to school UB, literally bitch slapped you in front of everyone.
beenthere: show us your business license!

me: i never said i had one. you don't need one.

beenthere: liar! it's the law! you need one!

me: no, here's the IRS form. where does it ask for your business license?

beenthere: i totally PWNT you!

nice meltdown you guys. keep it coming.


Well-Known Member
State statute authorizes the MED to issue four classes (types) of Retail Marijuana Business Licenses:

Retail Marijuana Store: facility from which any individual twenty-one years of age or older may purchase up to 1 ounce for Colorado Residents and 1/4 ounce for non-residents. Retail Marijuana may not be cultivated or processed under this license.
Retail Marijuana Product Manufacturing: used exclusively for the manufacture and preparation of retail marijuana products and concentrates. Retail Marijuana may not be cultivated or sold to retail customers under this license - all sales must be made wholesale to Retail Marijuana Stores. If this license class chooses to own and operate a cultivation facility it may not sale any of the retail marijuana that it cultivates except for the retail marijuana that is contained its products.
Retail Marijuana Cultivation: used exclusively for the cultivation of Retail Marijuana plants and the harvesting of Retail Marijuana. If not associated with a Product Manufacturer this licensee may sale Retail Marijuana to other cultivations, stores or product manufacturers within the Colorado Regulated system.
Retail Marijuana Testing Facility: facility that preforms testing and research on Retail Marijuana for other MED licensees.
you realize that's not the license he's talking about, right?


Well-Known Member
beenthere: show us your business license!

me: i never said i had one. you don't need one.

beenthere: liar! it's the law! you need one!

me: no, here's the IRS form. where does it ask for your business license?

beenthere: i totally PWNT you!

nice meltdown you guys. keep it coming.
You're dummer than I thought.


Well-Known Member
beenthere says that you need a business license to be self-employed.

he's not talking about cannabis growers in colorado specifically, he is saying in general that you need a business license to be self employed, and that it is the law.

can you back that up if you're not too busy declaring victory where there is only failure?


Well-Known Member
beenthere says that you need a business license to be self-employed.

he's not talking about cannabis growers in colorado specifically, he is saying in general that you need a business license to be self employed, and that it is the law.

can you back that up if you're not too busy declaring victory where there is only failure?
No, I said you have to have a business license if you are legitimate, so I guess that excludes you. I didn't see a thing that beethere said.


Well-Known Member
then show me the law where it says i need a business license to rake leaves and mow lawns. or clean pools.

or just continue with your meltdown, beenthere.