smokey the cat
Well-Known Member
Kelp is pretty cheap.... I know its great to grow your own everything, but I think you would have to grow a shitload of kelp to get just a measly pound of meal.
Sheeeeeiiiit... I haven't bought any kelp yet.
I just nip over to the beach and gather some. I have no idea if it's the right sort of kelp, I just grab a couple of bag fulls of fresh brown kelp washed up below the high tide mark.
I've tried dosing with a fresh kelp tea - not sure if it's doing anything special yet. But the liquid sure can get pretty gloopy after a couple of day's soaking.
It vanishes fast in my compost bin - worms seem to make it vanish in a couple of weeks.
Tried drying some to make a dried kelp that I could use like you folks do with kelp meal, but more than a day outside in the spring weather it kept getting rained on and the fronds would hydrate itself quick smart, lol.