PINWORM: We Hardly Knew Ye..


Nope, but you are.

Although I kudo your knowledge of botany
Is that even possible? getting kudos for botany knowledge and still be a mainliner?

How do I get rid of this mainliner label lol

If Pinworm is not mainliner then mainliner is not pinworm yes? So can I be pinworm for a while?


Seems pinworm touched a lot of people deeply here.

@CannaBear oh original, but no man I don't do needle drugs lol but I admit I considered blasting bho straight up my arms.


Well-Known Member
Yea pinny ia lost tripping. Acid he has been on a binge for a lil while now when he comes back if he remembers us he will be way out there


Ursus marijanus
Seems pinworm touched a lot of people deeply here.

@CannaBear oh original, but no man I don't do needle drugs lol but I admit I considered blasting bho straight up my arms.
With today's skin graft technology that isn't the mark of death it once was. Then you can go right back to poppin' on account of you're not ready to mainline.


Well-Known Member
Yea pinny ia lost tripping. Acid he has been on a binge for a lil while now when he comes back if he remembers us he will be way out there


Theres this guy ik that had to go to rehab for acid

And he seems pretty on top of it hes smarter and more witty then I am