a question mainly for the guys...


Well-Known Member
I always find it fascinating how we attack women all the time for the dumbest shit. Skinny girls attack fat girls and fat girls attack skinny girls. We really need to stop with all judgement of any body types! Of course, we as a people are just too fucking stupid to ever stop with all this petty shit. Your body is the only thing you outright own and you really need to take care of it. In the end (I know this sounds terribly cliche), you just need to love and accept yourself no matter what.


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Staff member
This gal is intentionally looking like a doofus. She's not at all ugly, no standard, but with a real face a 5 possibly....that said I'll defer to Annie about the titties
The angle of the neck was such I couldn't quite get a shot at the Adam's apple. It was unnatural. But I'm still not convinced it's a female because of that jawline. But a clear shot of the Adam's apple will usually tell. So show me another angle :)

Actually I started to say with relatively symmetrical features it wasn't ugly. It's more creepy. They can't fix creepy, LOL. But look up some of the orthognathic surgeries for some of what they can do. Cleft palate repair has gotten much better too. Actually I can't catch the good boob jobs maybe if you were on a table under lights but otherwise the good ones are undetectable.

There are some surgeons I know who can do one so well you can't even see suture lines, correct sizing, wnl asymmetry, true artists.