Cant figure it out. Always around 3 weeks into flowering!


Active Member
ive been getting this around 3 weeks into flowering. Fox farm ocean forest soil and im using the general organics line.( biothrive) fan leaves are canoeing and turning yellow.image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Bam! Fully diagnosed, problem solved, and with only 28 words and a bunk picture to draw your conclusion, your the man! How'd you do it?
like i said cant see from pic. If im wrong ill be the first to admit that. now that being said. He said always happens(and in the 3 wk of flower), and the nutes he is using is 4/2/2 N/P/K. as its normal for fan leaves to yellow in late flower because they use up the N in the leaves. So from what he said its a 75% chance its N IMO.