Instead Of Opening Your Mouth..You Should Close Your Legs First..

If you needed gas before you crossed death valley and the owner refused to sell you any becuase he just didnt like your ethnicity.
Wouldnt you be harmed?


I ran out of gas between Fallon and Tonopah Nv. on my way to Vegas one year. I could see the gas station sign from where we ran out about two miles from Tonopah. Luckily I had enough gas in the pit bike and my friends super gas bike to make it to the station.

Back in the eighties I bought a 56 chevy in vegas That would turn an 13 second quarter mile and thought I could make it from Tonopah to Fallon at night, it got terrible gas milage. Anyway lucky for me and old retired farmer was still awake and gave me some gas right before Fallon around midnight, the old farmer liked my car so much he wouldn't take my money. That one stretch of road has got me twice.
close..they're christians..foggy are you in america?


Your thread title would be excellent for that, whats her name, oh ya Sandra Fluck or what ever her name was? You know the birth control girl , maybe it was Fluke or something. Anyway thats what it reminded me of.
really? cuz i thought murdoch was talkin trannies.

i know far more of those fucknuts than i would care to, and not a one of em was what ya might call "mentally stable"

trannies are like out of the closet furries, they expect everyone to respect their delusions, and play along.

they get pissed if you call the dude "Sir" when he is OBVIOUSLY a dude, then that same frootloop can whip around on somebody else for calling him "Maam".

they just want an excuse to throw drama, kinda like bucklefuckle and cheeze dick.

i don't mean the typical transvestite..transgender..those who are serious about gender re-assignment..not cross-dressers.

Your thread title would be excellent for that, whats her name, oh ya Sandra Fluck or what ever her name was? You know the birth control girl , maybe it was Fluke or something. Anyway thats what it reminded me of.

Nitro -

oh yeah!..that old fart telling her to put an aspirin between her legs..makes about as much sense as using brillo for your period.

still never understood what he meant about that..

I ran out of gas between Fallon and Tonopah Nv. on my way to Vegas one year. I could see the gas station sign from where we ran out about two miles from Tonopah. Luckily I had enough gas in the pit bike and my friends super gas bike to make it to the station.

Back in the eighties I bought a 56 chevy in vegas That would turn an 13 second quarter mile and thought I could make it from Tonopah to Fallon at night, it got terrible gas milage. Anyway lucky for me and old retired farmer was still awake and gave me some gas right before Fallon around midnight, the old farmer liked my car so much he wouldn't take my money. That one stretch of road has got me twice.


it's always heartwarming when you hear stories like these.

another shining example of how the conservative right wants to force to you live as they do.
Peeps like you, and others that think like you, you really do not get it.
Ratings are created by buzz, the shows producers crave are helping with the ratings...
idiots, why don't you just turn the channel and JSTFU about it?
Never have I seen this show, offensive is arbitrary little offends me, and even less interest me
Who really cares about this show? And why would they? The peeps complaining are helping the show...

The Slow OJ chase scene, down the 91 freeway in his Bronco
Ford's last year for the Bronco, however, the slow speed 3 hour commercial for the Ford Bronco created so much buzz, that Ford had to keep the Bronco on the market for another three years...

That's your end game right? You want the show on for another 3-4 years so you can complain about it. You need to complain, this show helps fulfill you. Sad

If it gives you something to bitch about then, well go for it!
Bitch gotta bitch
Peeps like you, and others that think like you, you really do not get it.
Ratings are created by buzz, the shows producers crave are helping with the ratings...
idiots, why don't you just turn the channel and JSTFU about it?
Never have I seen this show, offensive is arbitrary little offends me, and even less interest me
Who really cares about this show? And why would they? The peeps complaining are helping the show...

The Slow OJ chase scene, down the 91 freeway in his Bronco
Ford's last year for the Bronco, however, the slow speed 3 hour commercial for the Ford Bronco created so much buzz, that Ford had to keep the Bronco on the market for another three years...

That's your end game right? You want the show on for another 3-4 years so you can complain about it. You need to complain, this show helps fulfill you. Sad

If it gives you something to bitch about then, well go for it!
Bitch gotta bitch

of course, good or bad..all PR..i've never watched though..i think she's gross and i can say this, i've given birth 2x..michelle duggar is a selfish cunt.
Nitro -

oh yeah!..that old fart telling her to put an aspirin between her legs..makes about as much sense as using brillo for your period.

still never understood what he meant about that..


That was funny. Not sure where those thoughts come from but I would of never thought of that as something to do.
some broad has more kids than you think should be allowed so the bitch is RACIST!!???


the real question is who are YOU to judge.

we know who michelle duggar is to judge on this issue: the owner of the website in question.
if she decides to take down pictures of ugly people making out, thats her perogative, if she takes down pictures of homosexuals making out, SAME DIFFERENCE

if you dont like it, go watch homosexuals swappin spit on another website of your choice.

kynes, this is news. i'm allowed to comment on it. her and her husband have a company that one of hers sons works at which has been connected to hate crime actions.

but they're totally not racists.

That was funny. Not sure where those thoughts come from but I would of never thought of that as something to do.

i had a pretty nice dad, huh?..a man who is as far right and catholic you are going to get.

that's what he told HIS 12-year-old daughter.

you see, i was not allowed to have of the girls up the street had gotten preggers so therefore..if you have no can't get preggers, apparently.

i had to ask my father when i needed sanitary products.
kynes, this is news. i'm allowed to comment on it. her and her husband have a company that one of hers sons works at which has been connected to hate crime actions.

but they're totally not racists.
youre not "commenting" on shit, youre making wild accusations of "Racism" (which really does seem to translate to "politically incorrect thought" in lefty speak now) despite thee being ZERO racism in the story cited, and now youre making oblique references to some company where one of their legion of kids works, which has been "connected to hate crime actions" (wtf does that even mean for fuck's sake!)

youre slinging the same brand of shit bucklefuckle sells, making unsubstantiated accusations unrelated to the subject at had, which serve no purpose beyond Ad Hominem Attack.

in case you forgot, this thread is about how they dont like trannies cuz they took down pictures of drag queens making out on their weird creepy kissing website.

this thread is about the "news" (thats quite a stretch indeed) story about some bullshit non-event run by some irrelevant fake "reality" (another wild stretch) show "personalities" (shit, none of this crap makes any fucking sense), not your wild unrelated ad homs with zero substance.


1 : they are assholes who put their shit in the street for some notoriety (often confused with fame these days)
2 : of all the assholes who do the same shit on the daily on every bullshit "reality" show, these assclowns are the LEAST retarded of the bunch
3 : my mom loves this show (wtf???) so i have seen it, and seriously i couldnt tell what brand of mystic mumbojumbo they believe, beyond it's vaguely neo-xtian flavour, so they aint exactly "forcing their beliefs" on anyone
4 : they got lots of kids but their kids seem pretty well adjusted and they handle their shit financially without govt handouts, so it's THEIR business
5 : if the bitch wants to turn her uterus into a clowncar, thats her business
6 :if some dolts wanna spend their time watchin this ginormous family eat baloney on white bread with mayo, and talk about how "blessed" they are, well who gives a shit
7 : if you dont like it, hit the clicker and flip to My Big Fat Redneck Ethnic Stereotype Featuring Shitty Actors Pretending To Be White Trash Cuz It's OK To Make Racist Shows That Depict Honkeys Acting Like Buffoons (thanks TLC, youre classy as fuck)
8 : if you wanna argue that they are "Racist", then provide evidence for your claim, or go exchange sexts with bucklefuckle.
they're racists too:

The petition also claims that the family's oldest son Josh Duggar has taken a job at the Family Research Council, linking to an article from the Southern Poverty Law Center in which the organization was labeled a "hate group" for its "dissemination of false and demonizing propaganda about gays and lesbians."

Read more:
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Grrrl, in case you're too high. Gays aren't a race. Did they all come originally from Gaylandia?
youre not "commenting" on shit, youre making wild accusations of "Racism" (which really does seem to translate to "politically incorrect thought" in lefty speak now) despite thee being ZERO racism in the story cited, and now youre making oblique references to some company where one of their legion of kids works, which has been "connected to hate crime actions" (wtf does that even mean for fuck's sake!)

youre slinging the same brand of shit bucklefuckle sells, making unsubstantiated accusations unrelated to the subject at had, which serve no purpose beyond Ad Hominem Attack.

in case you forgot, this thread is about how they dont like trannies cuz they took down pictures of drag queens making out on their weird creepy kissing website.

this thread is about the "news" (thats quite a stretch indeed) story about some bullshit non-event run by some irrelevant fake "reality" (another wild stretch) show "personalities" (shit, none of this crap makes any fucking sense), not your wild unrelated ad homs with zero substance.


1 : they are assholes who put their shit in the street for some notoriety (often confused with fame these days)
2 : of all the assholes who do the same shit on the daily on every bullshit "reality" show, these assclowns are the LEAST retarded of the bunch
3 : my mom loves this show (wtf???) so i have seen it, and seriously i couldnt tell what brand of mystic mumbojumbo they believe, beyond it's vaguely neo-xtian flavour, so they aint exactly "forcing their beliefs" on anyone
4 : they got lots of kids but their kids seem pretty well adjusted and they handle their shit financially without govt handouts, so it's THEIR business
5 : if the bitch wants to turn her uterus into a clowncar, thats her business
6 :if some dolts wanna spend their time watchin this ginormous family eat baloney on white bread with mayo, and talk about how "blessed" they are, well who gives a shit
7 : if you dont like it, hit the clicker and flip to My Big Fat Redneck Ethnic Stereotype Featuring Shitty Actors Pretending To Be White Trash Cuz It's OK To Make Racist Shows That Depict Honkeys Acting Like Buffoons (thanks TLC, youre classy as fuck)
8 : if you wanna argue that they are "Racist", then provide evidence for your claim, or go exchange sexts with bucklefuckle.

1. if she chooses to make a public an's open season on her comments..comes with the territory..too fucking bad if you or no one else likes it.
2. as a person, she needs to go back to school and learn english..apparently she doesn't know the difference between a rapist and pedo versus a transgender reassignment recipient as she has lumped them all together.
3. if you read the OP you'd find the name of their company which their son works at which has been linked to hate crimes.
4. and kynes if your that lazy..look at the above canna has it posted.
1. if she chooses to make a public an's open season on her comments..comes with the territory..too fucking bad if you or no one else likes it.
2. as a person, she needs to go back to school and learn english..apparently she doesn't know the difference between a rapist and pedo versus a transgender reassignment recipient as she has lumped them all together.
3. if you read the OP you'd find the name of their company which their son works at which has been linked to hate crimes.
4. and kynes if your that lazy..look at the above canna has it posted.

1 : as an AMERICAN she has the right to hold whatever political religious or moral beliefs she chooses, and has the right to lobby for "Change" through the lawful political process. that you and a few trannies dont like it means you should lobby for what YOU want, rather than trying to silence the opposition through (ridiculously ineffectual) threats of Person-cotts (the word boycotts is misogyny. SMASH THE PATRIARCHY!!!) and other typical lefty bullying tactics. argue in the arena of ideas and show why your side is right, rather than trying to force the other side into silence (which = death, in case you dont remember)

2 : one could argue that your inability to tell the difference between "chistians pesecuting you" and "saw a person who you suspect is christian on a tv show" demonstrates a lack of education, or a deep seated persecution complex.

3 : really? where in the OP is there the name of a company, or any allegation of "That's Racist!!"?

4 :

if you dont like what somebody says, ARGUE AGAINST THOSE STATEMENTS.
shrill attacks against the person, random unsubstantiated accusations unrelated to the issue at hand, and retrenching your untenable ad hom position is making you look foolish.
1 : as an AMERICAN she has the right to hold whatever political religious or moral beliefs she chooses, and has the right to lobby for "Change" through the lawful political process. that you and a few trannies dont like it means you should lobby for what YOU want, rather than trying to silence the opposition through (ridiculously ineffectual) threats of Person-cotts (the word boycotts is misogyny. SMASH THE PATRIARCHY!!!) and other typical lefty bullying tactics. argue in the arena of ideas and show why your side is right, rather than trying to force the other side into silence (which = death, in case you dont remember)

2 : one could argue that your inability to tell the difference between "chistians pesecuting you" and "saw a person who you suspect is christian on a tv show" demonstrates a lack of education, or a deep seated persecution complex.

3 : really? where in the OP is there the name of a company, or any allegation of "That's Racist!!"?

4 :

if you dont like what somebody says, ARGUE AGAINST THOSE STATEMENTS.
shrill attacks against the person, random unsubstantiated accusations unrelated to the issue at hand, and retrenching your untenable ad hom position is making you look foolish.

i love you, kynes:hug: