Instead Of Opening Your Mouth..You Should Close Your Legs First..

actually, i did read that.

and you know, it's always a man that says that.

i've never heard a woman make a comment like that.

it's hineyhole have this thing about their butts.

good thing you men aren't responsible for populating this planet.

practically everybody and their brother gets to see all your junk wide open.

20th hour of labor "hey! would you mind if the group of interns.."

true story..that happened with my first baby..want to guess what i told them?:fire:

are you implying that dudes dont want people to see their junk, so thats why they dont carry babies inside em, like seahorses?

U need Moar Medical School.
full text:

yep, i declared "slippery slope" and startyed talking about marrying goldfish... ohh wait, that was somebody else!

bucklefuckle once again spins straw into shit.

why dont you try, for once, arguing against what i ACTUALLY said, rather than creating your own fantastical strawman and then trying (and failing) to defeat your own fabrication.

read on.

you declared a slippery slope that leads to canine fucking and pedophilia, you blithering fucktard.

goalposts moved to new, lower platform.
Huge Success!

YOU may call him that, but you call everyone a racist, so thats hardly much of an indictment.

pointing out that rushton is one of the foremost white supremacists in the nation is not moving the goalposts, it is directly relevant to your claim that he is a respected academic.

leading white supremacist and respected academic are not compatible things.

and i don't call him a racist, i call him a white supremacist, as does the SPLC, ADL, and eveyone else who is not a white supremacist like you are.

so a credit card isnt a line of credit?
wow, you really do live in a fantasy world.

large companies often do their day to day accounts payable business on credit then balance the books after accounts receivable has collected their cash.
the tax scheme penalizes keeping ready cash on hand, instead they count on a steady flow of incomings and outgoings to balance the ledgers daily, weekly or quarterly.

if you had ever held a real job you would know this.

you were working for minimum wage at walmart when you were my age.

capitalism is BASED on the lending, borrowing and repaying of credit lines.

thats how Capital gets a piece of the action through interest payments, entrepreneurs get Capital to start their businesses, and how banks get money for making loans.

since keynesian economics punishes savings, and discourages thrift, how else besides a loan (thats a line of credit you moron) could anyone get the scratch to open a titty bar, a liquor store or a home based dope selling racket?

wow, you finally acknowledged repaying of credit lines.

for your edification, that's "step 3: ???" in your retarded caricature of what you believe keynesian economics to be. if you must spend or even borrow during bad economic times, you repay it during good economic times.

that's the part you republicans always forget about or plainly ignore and why we have such massive deficits that democrats end up having to fix.

my home based dope selling racket was debt financed, paid back, and then has paid for itself plenty times over.

you keep stocking those shelves at walmart and saving your pennies though, because clearly that's working for you.

we cant all sponge off our old ladies ya know.

don't you split rent with about 8 other family members?


the opinion of a worthless person is worthless, kynes.
are you implying that dudes dont want people to see their junk, so thats why they dont carry babies inside em, like seahorses?

U need Moar Medical School.

she's calling you a homophobe, because you said that marriage equality would lead to canine fucking and legalized pedophilia.
read on.

you declared a slippery slope that leads to canine fucking and pedophilia, you blithering fucktard.

the JUDGE in question defined the slope, and as clearly stated by me, the slipperiness of that slope would be determined later.
all the rest of that shit happened in your own mind.

pointing out that rushton is one of the foremost white supremacists in the nation is not moving the goalposts, it is directly relevant to your claim that he is a respected academic.
pointing out that he is CALLED a racist by you and a cadre of other "That's Racist!!" harpies (but youre the only one who claims he is "foremost") proves nothing, however hsi continued presence on the faculty of canada's yale, his continued publication in respected journals, and his continued legacy of citations of his work makes him a respected academic.
your plaintive cries just prove he ruffled some feathers on the left, and irritated some delicate tushies with his research and conclusions.
i know, i know, anyone who disagrees with you must be "Racist", but nobody gives a shit about your whimpering.

leading white supremacist and respected academic are not compatible things.
not a white supremacist, but go ahead and keep calling him that, it just makes you look more foolish every time you go back to the well.

and i don't call him a racist, i call him a white supremacist, as does the SPLC, ADL, and eveyone else who is not a white supremacist like you are.
he is STILL not a white supremacist, no matter how many times you repeat your unsubstantiated claims.

you were working for minimum wage at walmart when you were my age.
actually when i was "your age" (late 20's) i was a wild land fire fighter, risking my life on the fireline, taking air drops, and gettin paid substantial amounts of cash for my work.

wow, you finally acknowledged repaying of credit lines.
yep, repaying the debts is one of the key points of conservatism, but youll claim otherwise cuz youre a shrill little tout who believes bubba clinton's imaginary "surplus" existed anywhere but on paper.

for your edification, that's "step 3: ???" in your retarded caricature of what you believe keynesian economics to be. if you must spend or even borrow during bad economic times, you repay it during good economic times.
no, step 3 (????) is all about the magical rainbow and skittles shitting unicorn called "the keynesian multiplier" that mysteriously "multiplies" the effect of govt spending in the economy so taxing me to pay for crazy boondoggles actually MAKES money, instead of just moving that money from my pocket to somebody else's (literally ????)

that's the part you republicans always forget about or plainly ignore and why we have such massive deficits that democrats end up having to fix.
blah blah blah, my side good, your side bad, right fight, wild claims, more fallacies, blah blah blah.

my home based dope selling racket was debt financed, paid back, and then has paid for itself plenty times over.
tax free black market rackets usually do, thats why the mafia loves em.
it's easy to make a packet if you are willing to break laws, dont have to pay taxes, file financial statements, pay accountants to ensure compliance, or submit to regulatory expenses.

you keep stocking those shelves at walmart and saving your pennies though, because clearly that's working for you.
no, I am working for me, i dont want or need your approval, nor do i give a shit about your E-boasts of your awesome wealth (lulz)

you piss on anyone who makes less than you CLAIM to have, because like most lefties, you are secretly a hateful little cunt who despises those "below" them in the imaginary social strata, and idolizes those "above"

i got a lefty brother who mutters under his breath about "filthy bums" every time he sees a homeless person, and with very little prodding he will rail against them as if they were somehow responsible for all his problems, and every time he goes off, i think of you,

you have convinced yourself that you are better than others based on some arbitrary criteria that only you can define, and that makes you a .small minded, bitter, hate-filled and bigoted little shit.

don't you split rent with about 8 other family members?

ohh my, you wound me, my family likes me, and knows they can depend on me when they need somebody in their corner.
how shall i ever recover from the pain...

the opinion of a worthless person is worthless, kynes.
yeah, thats why i dont usually respond to your japes, but your fresh new content was irresistible.

funny how you have tried to derail the argument again with your specious nonsense, accusations of racism, ad hominems, and repetition of the same tired old claims.

if you post a crudely drawn penis picture, and link to stormfront or nigggermania you will have closed out your entire bag of tricks and i can continue ignoring your worthless ass.

aww, why wait, ill just go back to ignoring you now, youre getting boring again.
the JUDGE in question defined the slope, and as clearly stated by me, the slipperiness of that slope would be determined later.
all the rest of that shit happened in your own mind.

you clearly stated in no uncertain terms that marriage equality was a slippery slope to canine fucking and legalized pedophilia and torture.

the slope is clearly real, it's slipperiness to be determined when somebody tries to marry their dog, or file taxes jointly with the 8 year old chained up in their soundproofed dungeon.


pointing out that he is CALLED a racist by you and a cadre of other "That's Racist!!" harpies (but youre the only one who claims he is "foremost") proves nothing, however hsi continued presence on the faculty of canada's yale, his continued publication in respected journals, and his continued legacy of citations of his work makes him a respected academic.
your plaintive cries just prove he ruffled some feathers on the left, and irritated some delicate tushies with his research and conclusions.
i know, i know, anyone who disagrees with you must be "Racist", but nobody gives a shit about your whimpering.

not a white supremacist, but go ahead and keep calling him that, it just makes you look more foolish every time you go back to the well.

he is STILL not a white supremacist, no matter how many times you repeat your unsubstantiated claims.

rushton is a white supremacist.

he was invited to speak at a conference whose stated purpose was to "defend america's european heritage and judeo-christian identity from islam, immigrants, and blacks".

he also speaks at american renaissance conferences, which was founded by self-admitted white supremacist jared taylor.

his "scientific" works were lambasted for their shitty methodology and bias, as well as plainly ignoring evidence that didn't support his preconceived conclusions.

rushton is a white supremacist.

actually when i was "your age" (late 20's) i was a wild land fire fighter, risking my life on the fireline, taking air drops, and gettin paid substantial amounts of cash for my work.

so was walmart your fall back?

funny... when i worked for wal mart i stocked the hostess products
after my time at the oars on the Walmart Galley, i swam to shore for a gig at target for $2 more / hour, better hours and much better bosses.

yep, repaying the debts is one of the key points of conservatism

then why do deficits skyrocket under republicans and shrink or vanish under democrats?

no, step 3 (????) is all about the magical rainbow and skittles shitting unicorn called "the keynesian multiplier" that mysteriously "multiplies" the effect of govt spending in the economy so taxing me to pay for crazy boondoggles actually MAKES money, instead of just moving that money from my pocket to somebody else's (literally ????)

you have never acknowledged that repaying debt accumulated during bad times is a tenet of keynesian economics because you are a dishonest little weasel.

blah blah blah, my side good, your side bad, right fight, wild claims, more fallacies, blah blah blah.

they're called facts.

republicans skyrocket deficits. democrats shrink or vanish them.

tax free black market rackets usually do, thats why the mafia loves em.
it's easy to make a packet if you are willing to break laws, dont have to pay taxes, file financial statements, pay accountants to ensure compliance, or submit to regulatory expenses.

i'm actually fairly compliant with the law, even down to the detail of plant counts at most times. i do pay taxes, which requires filing financial statements, but no need for accountants since it is such a small business and can be filed on a 1040 C-EZ.

but let's go ahead and let you ignore this example of keynesian success by discounting me entirely.

how do you explain the explosion of dozens of other legal cannabis retailers here in colorado? initial set up was debt financed as well, sometimes with millions of dollars of debt for initial build out. 150+ pages of regulatory ompliance, higher taxation than on medical, $20k just in licensing just to get started, and yet they profit.

if keynesian econmics is so false, why does debt financing work so well so often in capitalist models?
Could you guys serialize your posts and do the Cliffnotes version, rather than post the whole Ayn Rand novel? Thanks.

*kynes thinks marriage equality will lead to canine fucking and legalized pedophilia and torture.

*kynes denies the well known fact that rushton is a white supremacist who speaks at american renaissance conferences

*kynes refuses to acknowledge that keynesian economics works through repaying accumulated debt, as evidenced by almost every capitalist enterprise that has ever existed.

*kynes was working for walmart at my age (not really relevant, just funny)
kynesian economics:

1) shun Education

2) procure employment at Walmart

3) save pennies for That Farm he dreams of

4) fail Completely.

5) move up to Target, rub hands together in expectant manner, continue dreaming of That Farm

6) fail Completely

7) pick fruits aside illegal immigrant laborers, injure knee, become brokedick

8 ) blame illegal immigrants

9) move in with 8+ family members to ease Rent burdens

10) blame lefties, marxism, and anti-white persecution for personal failings

11) continue dreaming of The Farm

12) save pennies

13) fail Completely

14) compose Manifesto blaming illegal immigrants, islam, lefties, marxism, and anti-white persecution

15) colour his commentary with european type spelling mannerisms for good measure.

16) ???

17) continue to fail Completely

keynesian economics:

1) encourage and aid aggregate demand that fuels 70% of the american economy

2) use debt spending to stimulate economy during bad times

3) repay debt during good times

4) republican in office, skip step 3

5) break government

6) complain that it is broken

7) accumulate massive deficits

8 ) elect democrat

9) reduce and eliminate deficits

10) fix government

11) once government is fixed, elect republican. allow them to take credit.
Could you guys serialize your posts and do the Cliffnotes version, rather than post the whole Ayn Rand novel? Thanks.
sadly, bucklefuckle's moment of "new shit" was short lived, and he immediately reverted to making false assertions, mischracterizing posts from the distant past, creating strawmen, screaming "That's Racist!!" and changing the subject.

i was looking forward to explaining to him how loans, lines of credit and other financial instruments work within the capitalist system, but he was too interested in getting back into his comfort zone of shrill accusations and repeating bullshit claims.

had he actually tried to argue his claim regarding credit lines being un-capitalist, it would have been hilarious, but he saw it coming, realized he was setting himself up for a Full Retard Moment, and fled back to his rear defensive trenches of "That's Racist!!" , "But, Rushton!!", and "Dont You Know How Rich I Claim To Be???"

just goes to show, Bucklefuckle fears getting caught in a Teachable Moment like Barack The Unready fears telling the truth.
ED 209 says thanks for your cooperation.


*kynes thinks marriage equality will lead to canine fucking and legalized pedophilia and torture.

*kynes denies the well known fact that rushton is a white supremacist who speaks at american renaissance conferences

*kynes refuses to acknowledge that keynesian economics works through repaying accumulated debt, as evidenced by almost every capitalist enterprise that has ever existed.

*kynes was working for walmart at my age (not really relevant, just funny)
had he actually tried to argue his claim regarding credit lines being un-capitalist, it would have been hilarious

my claim is that lines of credit and debt based financing, aka keynesian economics, are perfectly compatible with capitalism.

you need to spend money to make money, and sometimes even "spend every penny you have, and then some more on debt", jus to cater to your odd caricature of what you believe keynesian economics to be.
of course, good or bad..all PR..i've never watched though..i think she's gross and i can say this, i've given birth 2x..michelle duggar is a selfish cunt.

My wife watches it. Every one of her kids is healthy and none are mentally handicap. She has only had the one, maybe 2, miscarriages.

I have three kids. We went through 5 miscarriages to get the first 2. That last was an oopsy and a miracle.
Does that make my wife and I selfish?

They have so many kids because that is their belief.
Lets face it, those kids get more love and better morals than a lot of children.

If your belief is different than mine, I will have more respect for you if you stand true to what you believe instead of bending to suite the situation.
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My wife watches it. Every one of her kids is healthy and none are mentally handicap. She has only had the one, maybe 2, miscarriages.

I have three kids. We went through 5 miscarriages to get the first 2. That last was an oopsy and a miracle.
Does that make my wife and selfish?

They have so many kids because that is their belief.
Lets face it, those kids get more love and better morals than a lot of children.

If your belief is different than man, I will have more respect for you if you stand true to what you believe instead of bending to suite the situation.
nahh, you and the duggars are evils selfish racists, trying to create a white utopia by outbreeding the other races.

you are irresponsible, dangerous and abusive to your children because you are instilling in them ideas which have been deemed Politically Incorrect.


the liberal ideal of responsible parenting.
nahh, you and the duggars are evils selfish racists, trying to create a white utopia by outbreeding the other races.

you are irresponsible, dangerous and abusive to your children because you are instilling in them ideas which have been deemed Politically Incorrect.


the liberal ideal of responsible parenting.

Ah, but see you judge without knowing.
Have you adopted?
I have not, but i have kept a few kids from in the family for periods of time while their moms or dads got their shit together.
I have also looked into adopting.

I had kids because I thought that's what we all did was have a couple rugrats. If you look at my post We have 3, that is not selfish, just normal.

The Duggars are not trying to out breed anyone. Some Christians take the word literal. Go fourth and be fruitful, not realizing that maybe that doesn't really apply today as much as when our numbers were low.

Abusive? You need to see my posts more. I base my life on my kids. They are my everything.
I call a kid a miracle, you call me abusive.
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Ah, but see you judge without knowing.
Have you adopted?
I have not, but i have kept a few kids from in the family for periods of time while their moms or dads got their shit together.
I have also looked into adopting.

I had kids because I thought that's what we all did was have a couple rugrats. If you look at my post We have 3, that is not selfish, just normal.

The Duggars are not trying to out breed anyone. Some Christians take the word literal. Go fourth and be fruitful, not realizing that maybe that doesn't really apply today as much as when our numbers were low.

Abusive? You need to see my posts more. I base my life on my kids. They are my everything.
I call a kid a miracle, you call me abusive.


[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]
noun, plural ironies.
the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning:
the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.
  1. a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.
  2. (especially in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.
Socratic irony.
dramatic irony.
an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.
the incongruity of this.
an objectively sardonic style of speech or writing.

my mocking scorn and sarcasm were directed at those in this thread who are screaming "That's Racist!!" at the duggars and their ilk, while bitches like the one in the video above are protected from all responsibility for their own careless taxpayer subsidized fecundity.

you are either too high, or not quite high enough.

[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]
noun, plural ironies.
the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning:
the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.
  1. a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.
  2. (especially in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.
Socratic irony.
dramatic irony.
an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.
the incongruity of this.
an objectively sardonic style of speech or writing.

my mocking scorn and sarcasm were directed at those in this thread who are screaming "That's Racist!!" at the duggars and their ilk, while bitches like the one in the video above are protected from all responsibility for their own careless taxpayer subsidized fecundity.

you are either too high, or not quite high enough.

the funniest part is that he's on your side, not mine.


[ahy-ruh-nee, ahy-er-]
noun, plural ironies.
the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning:
the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.
  1. a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.
  2. (especially in contemporary writing) a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., especially as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.
Socratic irony.
dramatic irony.
an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.
the incongruity of this.
an objectively sardonic style of speech or writing.

my mocking scorn and sarcasm were directed at those in this thread who are screaming "That's Racist!!" at the duggars and their ilk, while bitches like the one in the video above are protected from all responsibility for their own careless taxpayer subsidized fecundity.

you are either too high, or not quite high enough.

Gotcha. Been a long day.

I am dyslexic. I have to proof read what I write and check everything I read.
I get tired and sometimes I don't do it.
i dont even have to look to know that bucklefuckle is currently crapping himself and creating shitpost after shitpost over the Somebody Gots To Pay For My 15 Kids video.

thats the great thing about Social Justice Warrior lolcows like Bucklefuckle, they are self-milking.

all you gotta do is post a vidya of a black person saying or doind stupid shit that would have those self-righteous SJW's spitting hot fire if the subject were white, and sit back while the lulz tumble in.

for all the screaming about how wicked and racist the duggars are, they dont cost me or anybody else a dime for their gaggle of yard monsters, while "Angel Adams" is working the taxpayer over in a back alley and going through our pockets for loose change.

but "Angel" has protected status as a bona fide victim of whatever, and her SES FORCED her to have 15 kids by 3 (or more) different dudes, and then she blames society when her latest baby-daddy got popped by the cops for a crime which we are all very certain he did not commit (riiiiiiiight) cuz the cops are racist as fuck and are unjustly targeting him...

but the duggars are the problem.