Do I Really Have To Use Spring or RO Water?


Well-Known Member
As the title says is it really necessary to use spring or RO water? I ask because the prices of water where I get it went up to a dollar a gallon when they used to be 50 cents. I have a well at home but when I test the PPM's read almost 1200 just the water. Will it be ok to use the water or do I have to keep buying it? I'm growing organically in amended soil.


Well-Known Member
I know some say it's not ideal, but you can use lemon juice to lower ph. That's what I do. Also, at the grocery stores, most have a station you can fill your own jugs with ro water for .35 a gallon. I've been doing that lately. It ph is 7. I add one tablespoon of lemon juice per gallon. Lowers it to 6.


Well-Known Member
As the title says is it really necessary to use spring or RO water? I ask because the prices of water where I get it went up to a dollar a gallon when they used to be 50 cents. I have a well at home but when I test the PPM's read almost 1200 just the water. Will it be ok to use the water or do I have to keep buying it? I'm growing organically in amended soil.
When people say RO water they are talking about Reverse Osmosis water filter. $99.00 filter and never have trouble with it again. your tap water would be better just let it sit 24hr.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
I've found that just going to a store where they have those water machines out front .35 gallon , I get a 5 gal jug of water for 1.75 it's great clean low ppm. Than use A&N sensi ph perfect grow and bloom'll NEVER need to test your water for ph again !! My best grow ever is just finishing !! Added big bud for 5 wks of flowering than used overdrive for the last two wks and next I use clear water flush ...I'm done next wk !! No muss no fuss best nutes out there !!!


Well-Known Member
I use tap water and PH down . I have always done it this way and my big , fat harvest every time tells me it's okay to do so .


Well-Known Member
I use tap water and PH down . I have always done it this way and my big , fat harvest every time tells me it's okay to do so .
Yep. In dirt Tap is fine and loaded with Ca Mg.
Ensure you don't have a water softener on your main though. I only run RO/DI in my DWC tubs. Dirt: they get pH'd tap and they love it


Well-Known Member
Did no one read he said 1200ppm? From a well.

"Oh Ya just ph your tap water you'll be good"


1200ppm means there's a ton of dissolved salts in there which will cause all sorts of lockout.

You need to invest in a quality ro unit. Not a 99$ one either.

Gahhh this site......


Well-Known Member
Did no one read he said 1200ppm? From a well.

"Oh Ya just ph your tap water you'll be good"


1200ppm means there's a ton of dissolved salts in there which will cause all sorts of lockout.

You need to invest in a quality ro unit. Not a 99$ one either.

Gahhh this site......
That's what I'm looking for my ph of the water is fine. the ppms are really highw. I don't know what's in it but it's got a salty metal iron taste and it smells funny. I live on a lake that's probably why. I have a drip coming off a pipe I. The basement and the cement where it's been dripping is red and over about 4 years the water completely ate the faucet head in the bathtub, it shoots straight out now.


Well-Known Member
I have to Say No you can use tap water.

A relative of mine is the senior supervisor for the local water plant.
We have spoken at length, he assured me that our tap water is at about 95-105 PPM.
His opinion the "hard water" is fine for plants.
He and his wife have a 1/4 acre garden for about 10 months out of the year for over 10 years.

I water with my tap water.

Even using just water as a Foilar spray enhances the CalMag level because of the hard water.

I would not want to have to "buy" water, as I already pay for it.



Well-Known Member
Did not See the PPM was 1200 out of the Tap!

I say Move !!
Sounds like you are being poisoned.
Check you closest local water source, take samples.
Check PH and PPM, then compare to your home and possibly another home or two.
You may have an issue in your well, seepage from sewage or chemical runoff into the lake?

I would get a good filter system and a good R.O. System for you and your garden.


Well-Known Member
Did no one read he said 1200ppm? From a well.

"Oh Ya just ph your tap water you'll be good"


1200ppm means there's a ton of dissolved salts in there which will cause all sorts of lockout.

You need to invest in a quality ro unit. Not a 99$ one either.

Gahhh this site......
Your the one that needs to read. he said 1200 out the WELL. Tap water is not a well so YES he can use his TAP which is alot less PPM and just PH down. and my 99.00 RO system has been good for 8yrs.


Well-Known Member
Your the one that needs to read. he said 1200 out the WELL. Tap water is not a well so YES he can use his TAP which is alot less PPM and just PH down. and my 99.00 RO system has been good for 8yrs.
lol im sure his well is hooked up to his tap

Tap water doesnt mean treated city water

Quit giving bs information please


Well-Known Member
As the title says is it really necessary to use spring or RO water? I ask because the prices of water where I get it went up to a dollar a gallon when they used to be 50 cents. I have a well at home but when I test the PPM's read almost 1200 just the water. Will it be ok to use the water or do I have to keep buying it? I'm growing organically in amended soil.
Is your well hooked to your house?


Well-Known Member
He's already stated it is.

Regardless, that's not the question. He's asking if his 1200ppm water is good for plants. The answer is no.
I was going to compare it to the 200 square foot vegetable garden I ha e in the summer . I water it with my well all the time but I didn't factor in that it rains heavy with thunderstorms at least twice a week and I'm sure that flushes the hard water deposits out. is that too high and potentially dangerous. Should I have a professionally test it? That sewage thing kinda make me nervous cause we also have a septic and a leach field on the same backyard as the well. That's gross i gotta move.