Is cutting off the second set of leaves a good idea?


So the other day I accidentally broke the second leaf set off (the first set of 3 finger leaves). And the node growing between the main stem and that 3 leaf stem is the biggest leaf stem on the fucking plant lol and is growing a bud. It grew so fucking fast haha.

So I broke the other 3 finger leaf off hoping it will do the same.

Is that a good idea seeing how much it just took off, I'm guessing because it's one less useless leaf the plant has to worry about.

Fuck I can't believe how fast it took off.


Thanks for the advice. I'm currently growing 2 plants. I might cut the top off the other one when it gets a little bigger.


Well-Known Member
id leave as many leaves as possible unless theyre sacrificing air flow and a lot are clustered, this could lead to mold, they still store energy and produce it so keeping them is better. since it seems youre already into flower i wouldnt suggest topping since it causes a stunt, and youre plants focusing on the stretch and the flowers. a good LST would suffice if you want to have more spaced out bud sites, this will help light penetration, let them finish more evenly, and youre less likely to get mold with better air flow and more spacing.