12/12 From Seed Experiment - 21 Strains

Yeah 6 days is a long time they say the slower the better i normal just do the hang for 3 days then sweat then hang in nets then start the cure

I would say your Cheese will be fine once you sweat her and just let her cure and will give her the favor back when any luck!

I am drying a crap load as we speak...............I leave leaf on to FORCE a 6-7 day slow dry. Buds are better that way, no real CURE is needed at that point,
a simple 1 or 2 day sweat, your done.

My 6 mini's......14-19 inches tall...........dried PERFECT in 5 1/2 days...........and these were "mini's. The bigger Lemon Haze, LSD, and Nevelle's, a mite larger,
are still hanging............will let them go another 1-2 days before I trim and jar those.

Right now I'm smoking 5 1/2 day dry Widow.....................IT IS VERY GOOD...............and tastes well too!!!!

You will be just fine...................trust me.......................you will see.
Thanks kush...samples of all of these go out to my blind taste testers for judging. After that I'll see how things are looking...need the right balance of quality and the 12/12 characteristics im looking for.

That is what I need............VERY cool. We are TOO CLOSE to be impartial.........I have always said this. I wish I had a "test team"
Ya know, I think you're right Dro. I'm used to 3 day drys, then a sweat, then a jar and they go in smelling like hay.

The critical cheese did 6 day dry, 1 day sweat and he might be over dried but does NOT smell like hay so I agree with what you said.
Ya know, I think you're right Dro. I'm used to 3 day drys, then a sweat, then a jar and they go in smelling like hay.

The critical cheese did 6 day dry, 1 day sweat and he might be over dried but does NOT smell like hay so I agree with what you said.

What you have to understand is that was a "general " rule I gave you. Correct, but general.

My BIG LADIES, they WILL take 7 days or better to dry that way. YOUR little ones, 4 days or so, maybe 5 would do it.
By leaving on some leaf you give yourself some cushion. You NEED to feel the TOP bud every day, and pull it off the hanger when
it is FIRM, not spongy, BUT NOT crunchy..............Firm to the squeeze, not soft feeling, and not so dry anything breaks when you do this.

Like I said my 1/2 oz Widows took 5 days or so. The S.S, slightly bigger, are still hanging, I will check them tomorrow night after work.

You GOT IT RIGHT when: After the hang, you can trim the Buds tight, and can smoke a small portion of a Bud, and it will burn correctly.
Trim them close, put into a jar to seat a day or two in the dark cool area, open for 1/2 a day..............YOUR DONE!!!

The weed should smell "fresh", but not like hay...........that means it is wet still. IT will have about 65 % of it's final smell when it is hung dry correctly.
My Widow I'm burning right now smells excellent...............in jar 1 day!!

Keep practicing, you will "learn" the "feel" of the Bud when it is "right" ...............then it will become second nature........................

So...........just how many different Girls do you have to sample now???? At the moment I have like 3............but that is about to change.....................

The only 2 that are smokable are the critical cheese and the G13 haze that was taken very early. When I return from my trip I will take my first sampling. A bunch more will be ready early next week.
Thanks! the *real* SOG experiment will be my next attempt before moving onto a SCROG for comparison.
One strain, either 9 or 16 per sq/ft.
No comparison when you are trying to turnover crops......sog wins.....I'm too impatient to scrog. But can't wait for your scrog.....
Well...I leave for my dad's service tomorrow morning bright and early at 4 AM. Will be returning Sunday afternoon. Gave the girls a very heavy watering tonight with 20% strength nutes. They should have no problem while I'm gone. Several of the final 8 or 9 left are going to be badass...can't wait until chop day and I get to share pics.
Hey bro

Update: on the AK48

Seed opened today and i have just transplanted in to a Jiffy as i was out of rockwool
Never started a seed in a Jiffy before so hopefully it will be okay! once i see root's will transplant in to the 3/4 Gallon pot then will see how she goes on the 12/12

Awesome bro yeah i am doing this for diggity as he is thinking about growing it

Are you starting a log bro... ?
No journal til the end of December. I'll keep ya posted. I'm doing this before I start my real grow in December. What strain(s) are you using?
I'm back guys. Had a really nice visit despite why I was back home. Got to see some family and friends I had not in seen in several years.
The girls made it fine while I was gone including the ones hanging...was afraid they might overdry but they didnt. Should have an update tonight.
Great to hear your back safe mate looking forward to the update