Instead Of Opening Your Mouth..You Should Close Your Legs First..

thats pretty discriminatory.

that's hilarious coming fro the guy who would reject a qualified black applicant who passed a background check based solely on his feeling that blacks are dangerous and worthy of fear and mistrust.



i bet the lady employees of walmart are just lining up for you.
the difference:

republican/conservative: i dont like what you say, so i will not allow you to speak at my venue

democrat/leftist:: i dont like what you say, so i will try to stop you from speaking at ANY venue

extremist conservative:
Obama is a secret moslem communist!! lets see his birth certificate rabble rabble rabble, and nobody takes em seriously, except lefties who really want to feel offended about something today.

extremist leftist:
hangs Bo0oo000oo0osh in effigy, makes "bush gets assassinated" wet dream movie which is released direct to landfill, except the few dozen copies hidden in the DNC Spank Chambers where they collect good liberals' vital fluids to clone a secret army of hipster barristas.

conservative press (pretty much just Fox News and Rush Limbaugh):
details obama's ACTUAL deeds and words, paints them in an unflattering light, drawing questionable conclusions as to the ramifications thereof.

leftist Press (CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTimes, MSNBC, Rueters, RT, LA Times, SF Examiner, Time, Newsweek, etc etc etc)
details only the "positive" aspects of The O-Man's Regime, and ignores most of his words, portrays those words and deeds in the most flattering light, drawing questionable conclusions as to the ramifications thereof.

conservative media goes off the rails:
Birther media coverage, implications that there may actually be anythign of substance in it, followed by shamefaced retractions and pretending they never joined the bandwagon.

leftist media goes off the rail:
bo00o0ooo0osh N Cheney secret S&M snuff parties in the white house, secret service smuggling in young thai boys, and disposing of the corpses afterwards, then when called on it, "i never said it was true, i just said it was "Out There"!!" ~ randi rhodes of air america network.

yeah theres a HUGE difference between the two sides./

that's hilarious coming from the guy who constantly calls obama a "halfrican" or "bwana" obama.

if peope don't actually pay attention to the racist shit you say, they might mistake you for reasonable.
Interesting comment, I always felt this was the largest common denominator between the pubs and dems.
The extreme crazies of either party aren't unique in their hatred/intolerance of differing opinions from their own.

That's an interesting observation, the question of the most common denominator of the political parties.

Of course I am obligated to point out the largest common demoninator is.....the means employed to achieve whichever ends are being discussed. When people use threats and actual violence as their means, and both parties do, that is the biggest common denominator. Hence my use ad nauseum of the term "coercive government".

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
i'm an independent and will be re-registering same when i put in for my change of address to change my precint.

Excuse me kind lady, but it appears you have failed to answer a very simple question.

Do you think you own yourself, but can't and shouldn't own others?
Allow me to apologize for being unclear. I was not suggesting you obey or don't obey, my suggestion was more of a general comment towards the question of what to do. I think it's good that you don't obey.

I know. Just making the statement.

Like how people think if a cop gives you an order, oh you have to obey. I'm not a dog.
Cop cars used to say "To protect and serve." That is another argument in its self.
the difference:

republican/conservative: i dont like what you say, so i will not allow you to speak at my venue

democrat/leftist:: i dont like what you say, so i will try to stop you from speaking at ANY venue

extremist conservative:
Obama is a secret moslem communist!! lets see his birth certificate rabble rabble rabble, and nobody takes em seriously, except lefties who really want to feel offended about something today.

extremist leftist:
hangs Bo0oo000oo0osh in effigy, makes "bush gets assassinated" wet dream movie which is released direct to landfill, except the few dozen copies hidden in the DNC Spank Chambers where they collect good liberals' vital fluids to clone a secret army of hipster barristas.

conservative press (pretty much just Fox News and Rush Limbaugh):
details obama's ACTUAL deeds and words, paints them in an unflattering light, drawing questionable conclusions as to the ramifications thereof.

leftist Press (CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTimes, MSNBC, Rueters, RT, LA Times, SF Examiner, Time, Newsweek, etc etc etc)
details only the "positive" aspects of The O-Man's Regime, and ignores most of his words, portrays those words and deeds in the most flattering light, drawing questionable conclusions as to the ramifications thereof.

conservative media goes off the rails:
Birther media coverage, implications that there may actually be anythign of substance in it, followed by shamefaced retractions and pretending they never joined the bandwagon.

leftist media goes off the rail:
bo00o0ooo0osh N Cheney secret S&M snuff parties in the white house, secret service smuggling in young thai boys, and disposing of the corpses afterwards, then when called on it, "i never said it was true, i just said it was "Out There"!!" ~ randi rhodes of air america network.

yeah theres a HUGE difference between the two sides./

wow! kynes..lots of thoughts on the difference between left and right.

what the right means to me is:
~do as i say; not as i do.

what the left means to me?
~i don't like when they call bullshit on something; then do the same thing they just called bullshit on

their reporting (left and right) leaves alot to be desired from BOTH.

with the left's reporting of obama's highlights; the right reporting kinda evens out..although the right is king of the dog whistle..and spreading FALSE information..msnbc?..they go all out when they've erred to apologize..FOX not so much.
wow! kynes..lots of thoughts on the difference between left and right.

what the right means to me is:
~do as i say; not as i do.

what the left means to me?
~i don't like when they call bullshit on something; then do the same thing they just called bullshit on

their reporting (left and right) leaves alot to be desired from BOTH.

with the left's reporting of obama's highlights; the right reporting kinda evens out..although the right is king of the dog whistle..and spreading FALSE information..msnbc?..they go all out when they've erred to apologize..FOX not so much.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ohh thats rich.

msnbc (lean forward) is one of the worst sources for news on earth, right up there with RT and al jazeera.

the "legitimate" press (cnn abc cbs nbc nytimes etc etc etc) all have the same lefty agenda and the same lefty dogwhistles, they just try to hide it a little.

claiming that fox is worse cuz you dont like their stance is typical right fight.

fox pisses me off when they gild the lilly, harp on some non-issue like it's important or make obvious agenda driven errors, because i expect more from them.

when the "legitimate" press does that shit, it's just more of the usual.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

ohh thats rich.

msnbc (lean forward) is one of the worst sources for news on earth, right up there with RT and al jazeera.

the "legitimate" press (cnn abc cbs nbc nytimes etc etc etc) all have the same lefty agenda and the same lefty dogwhistles, they just try to hide it a little.

claiming that fox is worse cuz you dont like their stance is typical right fight.

fox pisses me off when they gild the lilly, harp on some non-issue like it's important or make obvious agenda driven errors, because i expect more from them.

when the "legitimate" press does that shit, it's just more of the usual.

lol, he "expects more" from fox news.

that's rich.

the studies bear out that fox news is by far the worst. worse than watching no news at all.

stay sharp, kkkynesy.
you disgusting pig!:

Still at it! The Duggar family upset members of the LGBTQ community last week when they allegedly deleted pictures of same-sex couples from their Facebook kissing post, and now people are fighting to get their show, 19 Kids and Counting, pulled off the air.

A petition was started to cancel the hit TLC show after matriarch Michelle Duggar allegedly recorded a robocall this past summer for the people of Fayetteville, Ark., asking that they vote to repeal a law that would forbid business owners and landlords from evicting and firing people based on their gender identity. Started in August, the petition gained momentum this week, reaching close to 75,000 supporters.

According to the petition, which was started by a man named Jim Wissick, Michelle recorded a message that suggests that transgender people and members of the LGBTQ community are also predators and rapists.

"The Fayetteville City Council is voting on an ordinance this Tuesday night that would allow men – yes I said men – to use women's and girls' restrooms, locker rooms, showers, sleeping areas, and other areas that are designated for females only," Duggar reportedly says in the recording. "I don't believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls."

In a post about the call on the petition, Wissick proceeds to bash the noted Independent Baptist, saying her words "reek of ignorance and fear mongering."

"Just because someone is transgendered doesn't mean they are a child predator or a rapist," Wissick writes. "Transgender people — who are far more likely to be the victims of harassment and violence if forced to use a bathroom that is inconsistent with their gender identity or expression — deserve to have the ability to use the bathroom in peace and safety."

and just how many tranny's are there in fayetville for this to be a concern?

another shining example of how the conservative right wants to force to you live as they do.
The only thing is your not going fire someone and say it was because they were black. So law is not effective.
School is predominately k-5 learning to kowtow to authority, social compliance, and nationalism, with the 3r's somehow folded into that agenda. Since this is not the natural state of human beings, it takes years of repetition to wash that brain.
the studies

Lol @ "the studies". Questions that must be answered in accordance with liberal horseshit. I read the questions in those studies when you've posted them in the past and they include bullshit like climate change and other fallacies that drive the agenda.

Studies he says. Good for wiping your ass and making dumbass libs feel smart. lol
Lol @ "the studies". Questions that must be answered in accordance with liberal horseshit. I read the questions in those studies when you've posted them in the past and they include bullshit like climate change and other fallacies that drive the agenda.

Studies he says. Good for wiping your ass and making dumbass libs feel smart. lol
If a liberal loonie reads a news article about GM cars catching on fire while taking a shit, that Liberal loonie will classify that as doing a "Fire Prevention Study", and then bill someone for it.
Lol @ "the studies". Questions that must be answered in accordance with liberal horseshit. I read the questions in those studies when you've posted them in the past and they include bullshit like climate change and other fallacies that drive the agenda.

Studies he says. Good for wiping your ass and making dumbass libs feel smart. lol

let's review the questions in that study then.

To the best of your knowledge, have the opposition groups protesting in Egypt been successful in removing Hosni Mubarak?
• How about the opposition groups in Syria? Have they been successful in removing Bashar al-Assad?
• Some countries in Europe are deeply in debt, and have had to be bailed out by other countries. To the best of your knowledge, which country has had to spend the most money to bail out European countries?
• There have been increasing talks about economic sanctions against Iran. What are these sanctions supposed to do?
• Which party has the most seats in the House of Representatives right now?
• In December, House Republicans agreed to a short-term extension of a payroll tax cut, but only if President Obama agreed to do what?
• It took a long time to get the final results of the Iowa caucuses for Republican candidates. In the end, who was declared the winner?
• How about the New Hampshire Primary? Which Republican won that race?
• According to official figures, about what percentage of Americans are currently unemployed?

no questions about climate change at all, you lying sack of shit.

all that reality denial you engage in is really not working out for you.
let's review the questions in that study then.

To the best of your knowledge, have the opposition groups protesting in Egypt been successful in removing Hosni Mubarak?
• How about the opposition groups in Syria? Have they been successful in removing Bashar al-Assad?
• Some countries in Europe are deeply in debt, and have had to be bailed out by other countries. To the best of your knowledge, which country has had to spend the most money to bail out European countries?
• There have been increasing talks about economic sanctions against Iran. What are these sanctions supposed to do?
• Which party has the most seats in the House of Representatives right now?
• In December, House Republicans agreed to a short-term extension of a payroll tax cut, but only if President Obama agreed to do what?
• It took a long time to get the final results of the Iowa caucuses for Republican candidates. In the end, who was declared the winner?
• How about the New Hampshire Primary? Which Republican won that race?
• According to official figures, about what percentage of Americans are currently unemployed?

no questions about climate change at all, you lying sack of shit.

all that reality denial you engage in is really not working out for you.

Aww, someone said "studieS" and then posts one. I followed the link in one of your previous posts and it was a veritable cavalcade of liberal talking points.

Please provide links to all the other STUDIES that you mentioned.