If you could wrestle ONE memBer?

Ok, people. I'll organize the fighting, but there are a few rules you must commit to before we begin...

oh man, edgar walked all over him, cub tapped with about 10 seconds left in the 5th, might have been an arm bar, but i forget atm..
but yeah, edgar was on fire, good fight..

Wow no shit huh. I figured it would go 3-5 rounds but I thought cub would take it- he's always been a mean looking dude. I don't even know who that dude Edgar is
Wow no shit huh. I figured it would go 3-5 rounds but I thought cub would take it- he's always been a mean looking dude. I don't even know who that dude Edgar is
Edger beat cub like the skinny little bitch he is..at the end he didn't even have the gillatine in right he just tried to break his neck and made him tap seconds before the fight ended.. cub is to skinny to beat frankie...