Finding Drugs, any good stories?

I was selling this kid a ten strip the one time and when i went to hand it to him he didn't grab it and it fell in between the seat and center console. It somehow went under the seat rail... thankfully my friend with small hands was there. And the only drugs I ever found was weed that accumulated in my shag rug
I was selling this kid a ten strip the one time and when i went to hand it to him he didn't grab it and it fell in between the seat and center console. It somehow went under the seat rail... thankfully my friend with small hands was there. And the only drugs I ever found was weed that accumulated in my shag rug

Man that brings back memories. I had a friend who essentially lived in a flop house, he converted the garage into his room. Pretty much could come and go whenever, open door policy.

He use to pick through the ash tray looking for blunts and roaches. I even remember him grabbing a coffee filter and vacuuming his rugs for stray pieces of cannabis. He was one determined and resourceful guy. I never would smoke the findings, but the place was the place to score or go score once a sum of money was collected downtown.

Some good memories but I wouldn't want to relive them again.
Ya man I was out of weed and looked down and saw a little bud. Turned out to be a gram of sour and like a half gram of bigbud lol
People come to my work all the time with money in center console etc does it get touched no does it get stolen absutely not. If i pull a doorn panel and find dope in door panel in your car do you no its there. Did you get pulled over in thenpast amd stash it never found it and fprgpt about it.
i have heard horror stories of this happening..
i own ten deloreans now hoping and praying,but no dice so far
Ya man I was out of weed and looked down and saw a little bud. Turned out to be a gram of sour and like a half gram of bigbud lol
years ago a friend got ten kilos of blond lebanese hash in ok hash..everyone who knew him could get 3$ grams..if you got a block,and broke it up,it chipped
so fast forward to me at a friends house gettin high,and another friend was there also..we were talking bout the hash,and one friend,"bob" was complaining of it splintering pieces when you broke off a hunk..he kept finding little match heads of hash here and there,picking em up and nibbling em,then exclaming "see,HASH!"..
was great when the other friend introduced me to his new kitten:-)

we know the rest.
One of my best friends used to move coke. He kept it in a walk in closet. If we ever ran out and wanted some we would go in the closet and pick 1 to 3 gram rocks out of the carpet. The guy was pretty sloppy. He would leave about 2oz. in a cereal bowl under the couch and tell us to help ourselves. Another buddy used to smoke rock while sitting at his computer. After it was all gone he would flip the keyboard upside down and shake out a couple grams of rock, it was pretty funny.
One of my best friends used to move coke. He kept it in a walk in closet. If we ever ran out and wanted some we would go in the closet and pick 1 to 3 gram rocks out of the carpet. The guy was pretty sloppy. He would leave about 2oz. in a cereal bowl under the couch and tell us to help ourselves. Another buddy used to smoke rock while sitting at his computer. After it was all gone he would flip the keyboard upside down and shake out a couple grams of rock, it was pretty funny.

my friend used to hit the bong and play video games at his computer, when he ran out he used to do the same thing, turn over his keyboard and pound on it for like 20 mins straight, find like 0.05 put it on a bacci screen and hit it lol i felt bad for him
going to so many shows,ive found more drugs than one would believe..heres the top favorites..
2 x 10mg hydrocodones,and a gram of the best cocaine ive ever done,seen or had,nicely wrapped in a cigarette celophane,on the edge of the side walk at deer creek ampitheatre when dave matthews was there..
22 white kappa e pils at the e-center in philly
2 8ths of shrooms and a quarter of ok nugs at max creek in ny
2 vials of ketaset liquid in the sofa of the chillout room @ billy bobs late night in annapolis md
1/2 sheet green gels on a neighborhood street in d.c. walking.home from the armory rave after thanksgiving..
1/4 oz of crack in the food lion parking lot here in my city
string of crack rocks(ten or twelve in red plastic tubes) in a hip pouch,in the lobby sofa of the radisson in camden nj..
theres tons more,but thats the most prominent ones in memory..all have stories but none are interesting,lol

Pretty much sounds like what ive lost over the decades.
My buddy lost 3 books of L once,dropped out of his hip pouch while we walking,he was drunk..i picked em up and held on to em to fuck with him..but alcohol was in effect..he never noticed! when we we going back to the r.v. later,i gave it back,confessing my intentions of mischief...
THAT would have sucked for him...

1. Found a gram of white powder stuck with gum on the underside of the counter where i was being booked. Prolly coke bit i figured id leave it be.

Found roughly four tons of san pedro cactus in the front of an amusement park.

Found 180 vicodin. It was sent from the va and arrived at my fathers place two days after he died and i was cleaning the place out.

Found two 50 year old seconal in my mothers drawer after she died. Found a secanol under the fridge at a place i rented. That one was good.

Thats it.
going to so many shows,ive found more drugs than one would believe..heres the top favorites..
2 x 10mg hydrocodones,and a gram of the best cocaine ive ever done,seen or had,nicely wrapped in a cigarette celophane,on the edge of the side walk at deer creek ampitheatre when dave matthews was there..
22 white kappa e pils at the e-center in philly
2 8ths of shrooms and a quarter of ok nugs at max creek in ny
2 vials of ketaset liquid in the sofa of the chillout room @ billy bobs late night in annapolis md
1/2 sheet green gels on a neighborhood street in d.c. walking.home from the armory rave after thanksgiving..
1/4 oz of crack in the food lion parking lot here in my city
string of crack rocks(ten or twelve in red plastic tubes) in a hip pouch,in the lobby sofa of the radisson in camden nj..
theres tons more,but thats the most prominent ones in memory..all have stories but none are interesting,lol
jeez i never found drugs in my life like that, my friends mom found a 2 gram bud wrapped in a receipt that time at a bar, that was it. what kind of shows are you talking about?
So I scored pretty damn well the other day. Was helping a family member fix a car and found a box on a shelf with the label "Old Drugs".

So since it has been abandoned as they moved out I thought hey let's check it out.

Fucking score!
Came home with a handful of 5mg Vicodin
A full bottle of Ativan
A half full bottle of Xanax.

Anyone else ever get lucky and find drugs in weird places?

I once found a half an oz in a convenience store parking lot and it was some real good shit!
i was digging holes for fence post in my yard n came across a purse of sorts with bunch of burnt crap. you could tell right away it was very old stuff, the deeper i went the more i found. later when i went through the purse i found a tiny 1-2 oz. bottle with a very bitter tasting liquid in it. i don't know exactly what it was but it was def. an opioid. wish i had found more at the time.
I was recalling to my grandfather the time I bought opium. He was stationed in Turkey and was telling me stories of people selling it in the bazaar, so I thought I tell him my story. It was funny as he kept referring it to "the stuff you make heroin with:. I told him it's no more dangerous than the percocets he had been prescribed and how what a lovely aroma and feeling to it.

Glad I can be straight with my family. Makes me want opium thinking of it.
my first drug find was when i was 8..a friend f my fathers bought a house in the country..his yard was basically over shadowed by red oak trees,so it was bare,fulla acorns,and lots of quartz reall..he hired me to pick up lots of rocks! not the story...
i went to piss in the woods and was pising on a small tree stump about 3ft tall or so..old and rotted,the tree had broke off apparantly,wasnt cut or anything..i kicked it casually and half of it fell away,exposing a drab green military map case..a hard green tube with end caps that unscrewed..had o-rings in the cap,but apparantly they had failed..inside was a bag of a white paste(i deduced later in life approx a 1/2 oz or so of wet water logged coke)and maybe 6-8 poloroids of a few pot plants..i was young but the plants were monsters in the the time i thought giants..they looked 30ft tall!(i knew about both drugs then,thanks ms reagan..) but im looking back and they were prob 15ft tall or so sativas..very pretty...
i turned it over to my dads payed $20 instead of $10:-):-)
jeez i never found drugs in my life like that, my friends mom found a 2 gram bud wrapped in a receipt that time at a bar, that was it. what kind of shows are you talking about?
furthur,the dead,wsp,phish,raves,fests like G.O.T.V.,bonnaroo,allgood,harvest fest, ect..
i usually find SOMETHING substance wise at EVERY show..ive known many who go to the front rows of stages and concert fields after everyones leaving the show and groundscore like crazy from everyone jumping around in a frenzy..
if you got 80,000 hippies in a field with 80% holding,someones losing a pill or bud or something..guaranteed at least their minds:-)