2nd Indoor Grow T-5 2ft 8tube 5 plants


Well-Known Member
Just my 2nd grow I have 3 Ac/dc Clones and 2 Ice plants that are from seed .

Running a 2ft 8tube T-5 light system

I just moved my light a lil closer to the plants . I will have pics of that up later today . I have a few pics of when I just started any tips will be Appreciated.20141018_171614.jpg20141029_085645.jpg 20141029_085654.jpg



Well-Known Member
look super stretchy do you have any $ to go get some cfl for supplemental lighting? it will help keep your nodes tight


Well-Known Member
I would say that looks much better. I really like T-5s. When do you plan on flowering and are you flowering with your T-5?


Well-Known Member
I would say that looks much better. I really like T-5s. When do you plan on flowering and are you flowering with your T-5?
Im thinking of going 2 more weeks before i switch it over and yes I plan on Flowering with my T-5 lights. The amount of growth these have had in the few weeks after transferring them into 3 gallons is amazing


Well-Known Member
Can I suggest throwing them into even bigger pots? Most everybody you ask will say that bigger pots = bigger plants. Although i'm still gaining personal experience in that realm. I think after my current run i'll always use 7 gallon pots for flowering. (But your plants look pretty dang big right now)

I flowered my last run with a T-5 and a bunch of CFL's. Turned out pretty bomb
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Well-Known Member
Can I suggest throwing them into even bigger pots? Most everybody you ask will say that bigger pots = bigger plants. Although i'm still gaining personal experience in that realm. I think after my current run i'll always use 7 gallon pots for flowering. (But your plants look pretty dang big right now)

I flowered my last run with a T-5 and a bunch of CFL's. Turned out pretty bomb
They were pretty big before i transplanted them and it was in a 1/2 gallon bag and it was increasing in size rapidly lol. so when I switched them to 3 gallons they got even bigger so I'm going to just finish them in the 3 gallon , and I topped them a bunch of times . Yeah , my first grow was with a CFL only from seed . It came out pretty ok.


Well-Known Member
You vegged your clones too long for a T5 only flower run.........your from seed kids are about right for the flip; asap IMO

training may help.......uneven canopy is no bueno, especially with fluoros


Well-Known Member
You vegged your clones too long for a T5 only flower run.........your from seed kids are about right for the flip; asap IMO

training may help.......uneven canopy is no bueno, especially with fluoros
Yeah this was my first time with clones . So I actually didn't know when to flip them they're pretty big and bushy now though . I flipped them a week ago . So im sure I can expect them to get way bigger


Well-Known Member
awwh nice to see a fellow sac town grower I'm difinatly in this one.
check out my latest thread