What Is DMT?


Well-Known Member
I've seen so many postings on 'DMT' around here and I really don't know what it is. I used the search and even looked it up on wikipedia. What is it?


Well-Known Member
it's a substance that can be extracted from many plants. usually turns out in crystal form but can be gummy if not extracted properly.

DMT is a psychodeleic substance. you smoke it like you would any other crystal drug. take one or two large hits and hold them in for a long time, eventually you will feel as if you've been shot out of a cannon and into another dimension. it tastes like burnt plastic and the trip only lasts around 5 minutes.

many people say DMT is similar to Salvia, except it's more spiritual.

be warned though, this drug will take you outside your reality. you will not be aware that you are sitting down or even on this planet still. some people say they feel like they've died and gone somewhere else during the trip.

this is an extremely powerful psychedelic and should be respected and not just to get "high".


Well-Known Member
check out the trip reports on erowid...its wild. im really interested in trying it...but i want to make sure i do all my research first. i've read that this stuff will change your life. its also naturally created by your brain at death, although i've heard both at birth and at death. and many believe it actually IS a gateway to other dimensions and universes. people become enlightened. and i've heard the trip lasts longer than a few minutes...but while your tripping you dont really have a sense of time and it feels like a very long time. but yea...check out the erowid vault


Well-Known Member
DMT is a very mysterious substance, at least to me, namely because it's found in every living thing on the planet. It's thought to be released when you die or during a near death experience, hence why many get the "tunnel of light" sensation. It's found in the pineal gland and also is released when you dream. The most intense part of it only lasts around five minutes and is completely over in thirty, though i'm sure it would depend on how much you do and the method. If you'd like to know more, I highly recommend a book called DMT: The Spirit Molecule. It's all about a research psychiatrist and the first government funded study on a psychedelic since the 60's/70's. Very, very interesting.


Well-Known Member
now...is dmt similar to other drugs, in the aspect that ingesting creates a longer lasting/more intense high than smoking? because people seem to gain a lot of knowledge in the few minutes of the trip...imagine if it lasted an hour or more...


Well-Known Member
now...is dmt similar to other drugs, in the aspect that ingesting creates a longer lasting/more intense high than smoking? because people seem to gain a lot of knowledge in the few minutes of the trip...imagine if it lasted an hour or more...
Actually, for his study, he did it intravenously because it's a lot more fast acting (you feel it within thirty seconds) and more intense than smoking it.


Well-Known Member
im definitely gonna check out that book...is it hard to find? or is it something i could get at my local chapters?


Well-Known Member
Um I actually borrowed it from a friend. But I'm sure any bookstore would have it or at least have the option of ordering it. It really is a fantastic read if you're interested in DMT.


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend a book called DMT: The Spirit Molecule. It's all about a research psychiatrist and the first government funded study on a psychedelic since the 60's/70's. Very, very interesting.
Seriously, no one should even THINK about extracting DMT and using it before reading this book. A second read over the 2nd half of the book is highly recommended as well.

I agree with many of the indigenous people that these knowledgeable plants were raped from- abuse of DMT will scar you and this type of stuff shouldn't even be done by unprepared people.

Certainly shouldn't be spoken of in a party circle.


Well-Known Member
IV is faster acting than smoking? And this guy went to college... hehe
Actually yes, it is. Before he started the actual experiments, he had to find the best method of administering it. He found with smoking, it didn't kick in as suddenly and intensely as it did when he administered it intravenously. It makes sense because using an iv would get it into your blood stream right away. People could start to feel the rush within 20-30 seconds.


Well-Known Member
Actually yes, it is. Before he started the actual experiments, he had to find the best method of administering it. He found with smoking, it didn't kick in as suddenly and intensely as it did when he administered it intravenously. It makes sense because using an iv would get it into your blood stream right away. People could start to feel the rush within 20-30 seconds.
Wrong. IV takes more time to get to your brain, through the maze of veins... Smoking, takes whatever is in your lungs straight to your brain...


Well-Known Member
Actually yes, it is. Before he started the actual experiments, he had to find the best method of administering it. He found with smoking, it didn't kick in as suddenly and intensely as it did when he administered it intravenously. It makes sense because using an iv would get it into your blood stream right away. People could start to feel the rush within 20-30 seconds.
Maybe you should re-read the book. He had to administer it via IV because it isn't acceptable in scientific studies to administer drugs through smoking- that is very frowned upon. He discusses for well over a chapter of why he needed to use 'well to do people' by society standards who had used DMT previously by smoking it. Since DMT when smoked gives a 'shot out of a cannon' feeling into DMT land whereas by IV or ingestion it takes a slower and less abrupt start. He had to play around with the doses with experienced users in order to find something comparable- but none of this ever parring up with the intense full on hit of DMT smoked..