high pressure sodium problem!


Well-Known Member
Big balls just a goo d idea for 2 reasons say your crompressor on a/c goes to ground its gonna trip breaker shutting off all power to that wall out let.less amp draw per circiut better on elecrtic bill like most peeps think its less expensive 2 run 110 a/c window units wrong than a 220 volt igrow hydro and the last thing i want is the compressor gounded and ground my lights pumps etc as for the fire hazard run be smart and run seperate cicuit for the a/c. The lights are you can due amp draw most houses have 15 to 20 amps for wall plugs.:-|

I know its a good idea to split up the load. But you are an electrician, (?) You *know* its _not_ a fire hazard. Thats the job of the breaker. To protect the wire in the wall.

Explain how 1000KW broken up between different circuits costs less?
I fill my gas tank, 1/2 at one gas station and 1/2 at another. How did I save anything? A KW cost x. The meters are smart enough to calc the total usage from both phases.

You really licensed?

(just a footnote, proof read your posts. They are a real tough read)


Well-Known Member
I'm confused...Could someone please look on page 2 and see if there is a post of mine saying FU BEECH.

I do see a post that says that but funniest thing....THE POSTERS NAME IS "FARMER#1"
Again....open your eyes and read.My first post is on page 3


Well-Known Member
I worded it wrong that idiot dont even no what he said. I stand corrected,was trying to explain about the a/c s the 110 s versus 220 and was steaming and yes im lic.and am human and made a mistack .


Well-Known Member
I worded it wrong that idiot dont even no what he said. I stand corrected,was trying to explain about the a/c s the 110 s versus 220 and was steaming and yes im lic.and am human and made a mistack .

Chill man! There is *zero* reason to get steamed over/from a post on a forum. Its just silly.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that asshole sent me a PM about not using a a/c and a HID.I told him the wiring i'm using can handle it but thanks for looking out.He sends me a PM saying "CANT BE GOOD FOR BALLAST?? JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU AND YOU WANT TO CUSS ME OUT.HAVE A NICE DAY"

I write back "Reread my reply.I didn't say one bad thing I even thanked you."
How retarded can you be.He might not be blind but he definitely should be required glasses to operate any kind of heavy machinery.
haha. good going!


New Member
good job bigbudballs :) for figuring that out also i like the pic reminds me of the movie the ringer when the fuck did we get ice cream. lmao funny ass movie.


Active Member
Ballast has a short. I had one did the same thing. Returned it the new one lit up like a champ and never looked back!