1 : aggregate demand IS a myth, there is no way to prop up an economy by printing more currency, hiring people to dig holes then paying them more to fill them back in, nor does Supply create Demand.
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"SES has nothing to do with it" is a fine example of a strawman. thanks for demonstrating that fallacy so effectively. I never said that, nor did i ever imply that.
My actual assertion: SES is not a valid excuse for crime.
3 :
"crime is caused by rap music" another glorious strawman comrade.
my actual assertion: rap music glorifies crime, and is one part of the ghetto culture that actually results in the africa america community's abnormally high crime rates.
4 : "their skulls hold less buckshot" is actually a Bucklefuckleism, i never uttered those words, never implied any such thing, and this is just a strawman propped up on top of another strawman.
5 : "Multiculturalism" as envisioned by the left (and you, and bucklefuckle) is in fact "Monoracialism" as you both look forward to the glorious day when all racial and ethnic differences are eliminated (by first eliminating all european influences of course) resulting in a future where all people are the same colour, have the same features, and all hold the same (lefty approved) beliefs.
6 : tell us again what the word Cognate means...
7 : the torah has demonstrated over and over that it is a valid source for a great deal of historical data, many of it's (non supernatural) claims have been corroborated by other historical records and archaeological discoveries, and as such, yes, the torah IS a historical document, which provides a great deal of insight into the events, persons and points of view of a time log past.
Example: Isaac Newton's journals contain a lot of information which is no longer considered accurate, and also contain a lot of shit from a religious point of view. this does not invalidate the document as a tool for historical research, nor does it invalidate newton's works in the field of physics and mathematics.
newton also experimented with alchemy. so we must disregard all his other shit too right?
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