Well-Known Member
I followed the link in one of your previous posts and it was a veritable cavalcade of liberal talking points.
then cite it so we can see how far detached from reality you are.
I followed the link in one of your previous posts and it was a veritable cavalcade of liberal talking points.
then cite it so we can see how far detached from reality you are.
You said "studies", not me. As you and your ilk always say, citation or you're a liar.
i looked at multiple studies, couldn't find one with a "cavalcade of liberal talking points". you made that claim, care to cite it now?
Citation and links or pure bullshit.
that's not how burden of proof works.
you claimed that there existed a study with "a cavalcade of liberal talking points".
since you made the claim, you get to cite it.
i already cited the exact questions for the study that proves that fox news viewers are less informed than those who watch no news at all.
your turn, princess.
don't make a liar out of yourself by chickenshitting out of this one too.
Nice try dipshit. We aren't moving an inch until the FIRST claim of "studies" is proven. Especially, since you cited ONE as proof I was wrong about all of them. Once you have produced ALL the "studies", then we will see if I'm full of shit or not on my subsequent claim.
Everyone reading this already knows you lied about "studies" and have been backpeddling since. That's how the burden of proof actually works.
Nice try asshole. Same study, same questions, same source. Just fucking admit that you have one study from one organization that you represented as multiple studies and we can move on. I'll check back tomorrow to see if you've dug yourself out of this lie.
I have my citation waiting, ready to go. This is a rare opportunity for you, I normally tell you to go fuck yourself on citation requests. Not today. Pull just one more study that is from a different organization and you'll have the golden ticket.
no, those are two STUDIES, performed on two sets of people, in two different years, with different sets of questions.
one was done in 2011, one was done in 2012. both STUDIES found the same thing: fox news viewers are less informed than those who watch no news at all.
you have jackshit. you are hiding like a little bitch coward who can't back up his own claims.
i won't be surprised when you continue to hide like a little bitch.
Nice try ringworm.
Same study, same questions, conducted by the same jackasses. If they cherry picked respondents to suit their agenda one year, it doesn't give the study any extra validation because the same assholes decided to do it again.
Simply back up your claim by providing a study by a different organization (with no affiliation to the first set of liberal douchebags) and you get your prize.
nice try at moving the goalposts.
i posted two separate STUDIES from two different years scientifically polling two different sets of people.
i am not surprised to see that you once again FAIL at citing any of the bullshit that falls out of your fool mouth.
but it's not even a "study"So, you're saying you really only have one study from the same gaggle of liberal douchebags, done at different times, but with identical questions. Sounds like a continuation of the same study. Maybe in the future you should say, "one study from a group of liberal douchebags, done over two years, says Fox viewers..."
You don't win the prize, you don't pass GO, you don't collect $200. No citation for you. Thanks for playing.
Nice try ringworm.
Same study, same questions, conducted by the same jackasses. If they cherry picked respondents to suit their agenda one year, it doesn't give the study any extra validation because the same assholes decided to do it again.
Simply back up your claim by providing a study by a different organization (with no affiliation to the first set of liberal douchebags) and you get your prize.
So, you're saying you really only have one study from the same gaggle of liberal douchebags, done at different times, but with identical questions. Sounds like a continuation of the same study. Maybe in the future you should say, "one study from a group of liberal douchebags, done over two years, says Fox viewers..."
You don't win the prize, you don't pass GO, you don't collect $200. No citation for you. Thanks for playing.
So, you're saying you really only have one study from the same gaggle of liberal douchebags, done at different times, but with identical questions. Sounds like a continuation of the same study. Maybe in the future you should say, "one study from a group of liberal douchebags, done over two years, says Fox viewers..."
You don't win the prize, you don't pass GO, you don't collect $200. No citation for you. Thanks for playing.
but it's not even a "study"
it's an opinion poll
it has less validity than a Tonight Show "Jay Walking" segment.
he isnt out on the town looting the local Footlocker for a dozen pairs of Jordans so clearly not.would you describe yourself as being an angry, young black man?
two studies with two different sets of questions done in two different years on two different sets of people.
no not surprised to see you pussy out, reality denier.
would you describe yourself as being an angry, young black man?