Nutrient choices


Well-Known Member
The latest run has been a run of change lol. I converted my totes from flood and drain (kind of lol) to low pressure nozzles (fake areo :o). Also started running H&G Aqua Flakes with very good results. I'm 30ish days in to flower and I notice that the buds are not really packing it on. The plants look great and the roots are great so no issues really and perhaps its my impatience. Just wondering if I should be running a bloom product now. I have 2 different products in the shed, power flower from botanicare and superior blend by higrow. Or should I just be patient and keep using (i must say damn expensive) AF. I tried to upload pics of the higrow analisys but cant. It is as follows
7% nitrogen
11% Soluble potash
.2% manganese
4% Phosphorous
6% magnesium
.67% sulpher
And boron, and molybdenum, ummm ok lol.


Well-Known Member
Sorry meant to add I have used the superior since the beginning but wanted to try new stuff. The HG kept the ph way more steady I believe (cant remember one run to the next) I'll check my diary :)