turning seawater into fuel for $3 a gallon?

You must be a racist person...

Our comments can all be that of a 3yr old.

Seriously though, just have a normal debate . Why talk about race and name call entire time? Not being a smart ass but asking a much needed question.

have i been doing that?

i could have swore i started a thread abotu something non-racial, non-controversial, and some asshurt racist came in here and started derailing.

maybe i need to get more retarded.
You do act pretty childish when people treat you like you treat other people.


because desert dude's attempts at derailing this thread have been far worse than i treat others.

i don't just make stuff up about people like desert dude is attempting to do in this thread (sadly, he is so unoriginal that he has to copy you, who in turn had to copy echelon1k1. sad).

and i dealt with it in what i thought was an appropriate manner: i plainly stated that the account he is referencing is not mine.

it is actually YOU who defines childishness on this forum.

Fuck you and die troll
you have been here 10 days
on your 400 plus post already

get a fucking life kid!
I still like you!
Your little font thing is just adorable!...

... Don't be a negative Nancy
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from the navy's own website:

Using an innovative and proprietary NRL electrolytic cation exchange module (E-CEM), both dissolved and bound CO2 are removed from seawater at 92 percent efficiency by re-equilibrating carbonate and bicarbonate to CO2 and simultaneously producing H2. The gases are then converted to liquid hydrocarbons by a metal catalyst in a reactor system.

they pull CO2 out of the ocean and turn it into fuel.

@heckler73 i need your brain here. what's up with this? are we gonna be hearing more about this?
I wonder how quickly this tech will advance thus reduce in cost?
yeah really

because desert dude's attempts at derailing this thread have been far worse than i treat others.
I LOL'd at this part.

i don't just make stuff up about people like desert dude is attempting to do in this thread (sadly, he is so unoriginal that he has to copy you, who in turn had to copy echelon1k1. sad).
What are you talking about? You make up more shit that a shit person making a shit sandwich on shit day.

and i dealt with it in what i thought was an appropriate manner: i plainly stated that the account he is referencing is not mine.
Of course it is your account, you said it yourself when you lambasted another member here on using a screename that is used somewhere else. You told them they had to mentally handicapped to use a screenname that is in use somewhere else at a site like that, all the while knowing you are a giant hypocrite. Do you just never follow your own advise, are you really that stupid? We all already know you hang out there seeing as you have started many threads about Stromfront content you found amusing. I didn't even know that site existed until you told me about it. Get real dude, you are a major racist that hides behind your anti racist posts as cover for you spewing your hate here, no one actually uses the N word except you, and you do it so much. You aren't fooling anyone.

it is actually YOU who defines childishness on this forum.
Coming from a giant, massive, KKK loving, white supremacist talking, Jew hating, tiny penis having racist like yourself, that's a compliment.
You know how this works, my response is in red.
Of course it is your account, you said it yourself

and if you can find a post where i say that and quote it for us, i will quit this site forever and send you $1000 or a half ound of cannabis better than you'll ever grow for yourself.

if you can't, you have proven yourself to be the childish liar that you are known for being.
Yes, Buck. It is true. The US Navy is planning to do this for refueling purposes.
However, I am not sure what the ROEI is.
They quote $3-6/gal but that is not the language I want to hear. How many Joules does it take?

well there we go.

i had only heard peeps about this from my super duper hippy liberal friends on facebook, but then i saw one of my smart liberal friends mention it too.

so i had to ask. thanks.
Yes, Buck. It is true. The US Navy is planning to do this for refueling purposes.
However, I am not sure what the ROEI is.
They quote $3-6/gal but that is not the language I want to hear. How many Joules does it take?

is that really important on a ship with a reactor?
is that really important on a ship with a reactor?
Is what important? The refueling of jets and smaller craft? Or the ROEI?
If the latter, it is somewhat important. If they can't take advantage of "conservative fields" in the production, they will need to use a lot of energy to make energy.
So when they say $3-6/gal, is that a figure WRT the cost of pumping from Saudi sand? Or is it in comparison to post-refining?
If they had a figure in Joules, I wouldn't be wondering...
I seriously doubt the cost is accurate. They aren't breaking any thermodynamic laws, they are just extending the capability of the carrier no differently than adding desalinization.

Maybe it's 3 bucks a gallon (vs the current of about 6) if you don't count the cost of the reactor they already have on board and only count the cost of the extra equipment.