giving defoliation during flower a try

Hey , went to the hydro store because I have a problem, hydro guy says it is a deficiency and I should Flush my medium?

EFFEN GENIUS, why do you own a store selling cannabis specific things when you have NO CLUE????????

Umm yeah heres another example of how dumb u are contributing more of nothing to ur miserable life u depressed lttle fuckin wiesel. Im call new stattion this year so right before spring comes when u crawl out of ur cave and poke ur head outside we can find out when spring is coming ur fuckin gremlin.

Yeah when i see what looks like nutrient burn, and potential ph issues and someone shows me there lower leavses that r turningbrown and yellowing, and says his ppm run off is almost 1400 ppm then,
YES i recommend a flush like anyone else would tell him to do.
Umm yeah heres another example of how dumb u are contributing more of nothing to ur miserable life u depressed lttle fuckin wiesel. Im call new stattion this year so right before spring comes when u crawl out of ur cave and poke ur head outside we can find out when spring is coming ur fuckin gremlin.

Yeah when i see what looks like nutrient burn, and potential ph issues and someone shows me there lower leavses that r turningbrown and yellowing, and says his ppm run off is almost 1400 ppm then,
YES i recommend a flush like anyone else would tell him to do.

I would of recommended he went to a real hydro store where they have a clue.just sayin
Cause you don't know what you're doing. Case in point:

Pull your head out of your ass for 5 minutes, should wipe your ass clean with that mullet, and read this very post over 10 times and get a clue.

Omg u too bro? Seriously, i knew u guys didnt know how to grow i dont take anyone who grows in their closet any source of vital information.

Although i dont agree with Uncle Ben about nutrients and certain ways to solve problems. At least he knows wtf he is doing. U 2 dipshits dont know ur elbow from ur fuckin knees. U both combined iq is a 4 about the same age u dumb fucks act.

U obviously know nothing about chem dog or how to feed that strain or u would know how much additional cal mag they require. And if u call h&g tell em u want to speak to Pete from the new england rep and maybe he can explain it to you im a language that u can understand if u dont believe me he can tell u himself he funs the same pheno. U need the number lemme know ill give it to you.
Omg u too bro? Seriously, i knew u guys didnt know how to grow i dont take anyone who grows in their closet any source of vital information.

Although i dont agree with Uncle Ben about nutrients and certain ways to solve problems. At least he knows wtf he is doing. U 2 dipshits dont know ur elbow from ur fuckin knees. U both combined iq is a 4 about the same age u dumb fucks act.

U obviously know nothing about chem dog or how to feed that strain or u would know how much additional cal mag they require. And if u call h&g tell em u want to speak to Pete from the new england rep and maybe he can explain it to you im a language that u can understand if u dont believe me he can tell u himself he funs the same pheno. U need the number lemme know ill give it to you.
Omg u too bro? Seriously, i knew u guys didnt know how to grow i dont take anyone who grows in their closet any source of vital information.

Although i dont agree with Uncle Ben about nutrients and certain ways to solve problems. At least he knows wtf he is doing. U 2 dipshits dont know ur elbow from ur fuckin knees. U both combined iq is a 4 about the same age u dumb fucks act.

U obviously know nothing about chem dog or how to feed that strain or u would know how much additional cal mag they require. And if u call h&g tell em u want to speak to Pete from the new england rep and maybe he can explain it to you im a language that u can understand if u dont believe me he can tell u himself he funs the same pheno. U need the number lemme know ill give it to you.
Wow man you get really mad when people dont wanna hear about AN and then not help you because you been a dick to em

Exactly this is all ur good for posting pictures n trying to talk shit. U contribute 000000000 nothing nada zilch cero... U dont know how to grow u dont know wtf ur talking about..

If uncle ben has said anything about a topic then u dont know anything cuz all u do is copy and paste his shit on threads and steal his information and get into arguments w everyone on this site bcuz ur a fuckin parasite, leach, cum sucker POS.
Ur mother should have swallowed you.

Stop talking all ur good for is pictures and they arent even funny. U got way too much time on ur hands u should spend ur energy into being productive go try and actually grow something besides u 1 plant in ur closet that ur mom lets u do. And maybe then u can have some real information of your own and not stealing shit from other people while huggin their nuts u silly bitch.
Your qualifications about me mean zero since you obviously cannot back it up with facts, you're just repeating the same stupid shit, won't make it any more true. Unlike the hard facts I've spoon fed you. Besides that, you grow cheap indica shit and think 0.9gpw makes you a hotshot :lol: Delusional scammer.

"H&G base nutrients are Ca-Mg corrected for the medium of choice"

That's from H&G article explaining why calmag isn't needed with their products ya dumb fucking retard. (see how that works, I prove you wrong and then rub it in that you're a fucking retard. Just calling you a fucking retard without showing why would be similar to you, being a fucking retard) As a matter of fact, the amount of calcium is one of the difference between their lines. Aqua Flakes also has additional Mg, so adding CalMag to that makes it even more stupid.

A clue to how to utilize all that Ca is the last sentence I quoted from you.

Stop using those PK boosters and you won't antagonize Ca either...

Go home kid, we debunked your nonsense so many times that you reached the last few seconds of that cartoon and all you do is:

Wow man you get really mad when people dont wanna hear about AN and then not help you because you been a dick to em

Nah i asked a real fuckin question so i can help someone out and ppl wanna talk shit saying idk what im doing. I asked a fuckin question either u know the answer or u dont. And second ppl treated me like shit for saying that i like canna and advanced go back to my very first post. I was very polite u til ppl started tellin me im a con artist and a scammer and a liar and im just trying to sell ppl advanced etc etc etc... When all i was doing is recommending the kid try out a product that works for me.

Than all these other dudes who r all buddy buddy botty boys wanna chime in and gang up on me. When u back a dog ino a corner he gonna bite you. I was locked down for years i aint no push over and i aint make it out the bing by being a fuckin bitch so im be damned mother fuckers gonna threaten me and pop shit when all i was doing was trying to help somone wpand give em some advice.

If everyone minded their own fuckin business and spoke when spoken to the world would be a better place.
You dont know what ur talking about H&G does not supply enough cal mag for chemdawg pheno i have what dont u understand about that? In general is it enough for other strains yah its proly plenty every variety is diff u know that right? My boy pete at h&g runs same chem pheno we got he can tell u himself u need to add more cal mag like i said u can call and alk to him directly he have no problem speaking w u about it. Maybe then u will listen, or maybe u just gonna tell him hes lying too right?

U guys r all the same so many know it all who dont know dick. U cant even answer the fuckin question. U just wanna pop off at the mouth. Id love see one u little fucks in person id slap the shit out of you ever try speak to me like u do online u be singing a dif song real quick
just sayin

Yeah cuz i can admit when i dont know something. I dont got all the answers i know what i know. Im try help someone out u guys seem to know it all so i figured id ask maybe someone ran into this before or knows wtf is going on bcuz ive never had a problem like this. So whats ur point, at least im honest. Not a lying ass bitch like u
A pic of the whole plant would be helpful, but based on what you have shared there is to much Cal locking out P other micros are affected by this antagonism. Flushing with Mag was a huge mistake as it re-directed the antagonism. The proper ratio for Cal to Mag is 1 to 7 parts as a nute salesman you should know this? Now that I have told you the problem, you should be able to find the answer?

Here is a pic to help you understand antagonisms :)

A pic of the whole plant would be helpful, but based on what you have shared there is to much Cal locking out P other micros are affected by this antagonism. Flushing with Mag was a huge mistake as it re-directed the antagonism. The proper ratio for Cal to Mag is 1 to 7 parts as a nute salesman you should know this? Now that I have told you the problem, you should be able to find the answer?

Here is a pic to help you understand antagonisms :)

View attachment 3303108

No, i dont see the answer being a lockout caused by calcium.
and it is us that don't know how to grow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, priceless lol

I dont understand how flushing the medium is gonna make matters worse if your telling me there excess calcium jn the root zone. Flushing is the only way any correction of over feeding is going to get better. So how is this wrong? Please explain as to how that is wrong?
After going through everything ive found im leaning towards this dude having a ph issue. He told me it was good but im gonna assume his pen hasnt been calibrated in awhile and its probably off. Its quite poss he doing eveything correctly and mixing his nutes to what he think is the correct number and its proly too low or too high causing a problem locking out a few macro nutrients. Have wait til he comes in again to find out.

Def flushing his containers w the small amount of epsom salts to leach his medium is not anything wrong in so doing. Many people wil tell u that using salts even any commercial salts are how to properly flush ur medium anyways so i really dont think thats an issue at all. As ive done plenty of times and never hurts anything so making a crass statement like that is a little moronic honestly. He def isnt over feeding calcium cuz he would be having other issues than just a P deficiency if that was the case which doesnt seem to be the problem at all.
Def flushing his containers w the small amount of epsom salts to leach his medium is not anything wrong in so doing. Many people wil tell u that using salts even any commercial salts are how to properly flush ur medium anyways so i really dont think thats an issue at all. As ive done plenty of times and never hurts anything so making a crass statement like that is a little moronic honestly. He def isnt over feeding calcium cuz he would be having other issues than just a P deficiency if that was the case which doesnt seem to be the problem at all.

---isn't "flushing" a technique which reduces/removes the amount of "salt(s) build-up" in your mediums? then why would you flush with epsom salts (wouldn't that just make matters worse)? can you point me in the direction of a horti/agri study which used "epsom salts" as a leaching agent :)