Is it better to get a medical card?


Well-Known Member
get the card if its avaliable. I have had certain circumstances where cops have counted my plants. The card was the only thing that kept me out of jail. That never tell anyone while growing illegaly is one that should be followed, because you never know who might try to fuck you over.


get the card if its avaliable. I have had certain circumstances where cops have counted my plants. The card was the only thing that kept me out of jail. That never tell anyone while growing illegaly is one that should be followed, because you never know who might try to fuck you over.
How did the cops know about your plants in the first place?

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
If I was going to grow I would get a card or maybe not. If I wasn't going to grow I probably wouldn't get a card but it would be cool to have a card and not use it, yeh? I would get a card if I wasn't going to grow and I might get a card if I was going to grow, but I might wait until later to grow or get a card or not grow and not get a card.


Well-Known Member
If I was going to grow I would get a card or maybe not. If I wasn't going to grow I probably wouldn't get a card but it would be cool to have a card and not use it, yeh? I would get a card if I wasn't going to grow and I might get a card if I was going to grow, but I might wait until later to grow or get a card or not grow and not get a card.
Say what? May need to reread when I am high to see if this makes any sense.


Well-Known Member
Getting a card puts you in a database(which may or may not be a good thing). At first here in Colorado there was really no access to that database by law enforcement. Now they can determine if you're a mmj patient just by running your drivers license and you probably better be ready for some dui questions/tests .
I read a posting here about someone that was pulled over and the cops asked him why he had an extended plant count since in running his drivers license he got info on extended plant count(as if it was any of their business), that info should be kept between the doctor that signed the card and the patient.
Here in Colorado before A64 I wouldn't have even considered the idea of growing. So I was carded for years without a problem.
That's not the case for some.


Well-Known Member
I live in WA and I have medical card. Why would you not get one? Growing legally without worrying about getting fucked by the long dick of the law is awesome. The only downside is renewing your card for $100 every year but thats nothing in comparison to the weed you can harvest in a year. Also you can legally sell to dispensaries. Just keep clean and don't sell to anyone who isnt a dispensary or a close friend.


Well-Known Member
I live in WA and I have medical card. Why would you not get one? Growing legally without worrying about getting fucked by the long dick of the law is awesome. The only downside is renewing your card for $100 every year but thats nothing in comparison to the weed you can harvest in a year. Also you can legally sell to dispensaries. Just keep clean and don't sell to anyone who isnt a dispensary or a close friend.
If you comply with state medical laws you are only allowed to possess two ounces last I knew, unless you had extended count (which raises to point of a sort of red flagging).
Ive personally had no problem with the law but have been under their eye due to someone close to me thinking they were gonna make a living out of the basement.
All a card does for you is defense in court if it comes up.
I haven't much kept up with laws so don't quote me but the limitations for a medical grow make a A 64 grow with much difference.
A64 being much more lenient .
Don't sell. Stick to legal plant count and there should be no problems.
With card you are def on radar though, even some background checks will show. all this being Colorado specific by the way.
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Well-Known Member
Oh and that sell to dispensary thing. So cali. You wouldn't be doing that here without proper licensing.


Well-Known Member
If you comply with state medical laws you are only allowed to possess two ounces last I knew, unless you had extended count (which raises to point of a sort of red flagging).
Possession limits apply outside your home. In your home, you're allowed to posess whatever you grew. As you indicated, sales are not allowed by private growers in Colorado.


Well-Known Member
Possession limits apply outside your home. In your home, you're allowed to posess whatever you grew. As you indicated, sales are not allowed by private growers in Colorado.
Thanks for clarification. I was always under the impression that you could only grow two zips and I wondered how people were pulling that off because we all know the drill, one plant "oh about a pound" x3 thats quite a bit more than 2 zips. I visualized people throwing shit away just to stay "legal". :/


Well-Known Member
Getting a card puts you in a database(which may or may not be a good thing). At first here in Colorado there was really no access to that database by law enforcement. Now they can determine if you're a mmj patient just by running your drivers license and you probably better be ready for some dui questions/tests .
I read a posting here about someone that was pulled over and the cops asked him why he had an extended plant count since in running his drivers license he got info on extended plant count(as if it was any of their business), that info should be kept between the doctor that signed the card and the patient.
Here in Colorado before A64 I wouldn't have even considered the idea of growing. So I was carded for years without a problem.
That's not the case for some.
Your medical records are federally covered by HIPAA, so they cannot run your Drivers License to pull medical records. If you have applied for extended plant count, that may require separate registration outside of medical, so maybe that would go outside of the HIPAA protection but this sounds like a made up paranoid stoner story.

Your records are only as strong as the weakest link, so dispensaries and "Dope Doctors" are in the care of protecting your information, this could be a concern, but they could face big fines if they violate the law. Even if your in a medically legal state, I would recommend staying within the law and still sticking to the "Don't Smell, Don't Tell, Don't Sell" mantra. The fewer people that know, the better off you are.

Your postings here on the other hand, are not protected and are stored in a database :)


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion, don't register unless it becomes legal both state and federally. As already stated, you're going into a database. Personally I keep myself out of most databases, particularly government. It's still a political hot potato and programs can and will change depending on which way the political and social wind is blowing.

An example of why I stay under the radar and quiet about growing. In Canada, we had a program under which you could get a personal grow or license to purchase. I qualified for either, my doctor was wiling to sign me up. But I decided it was too risky and stayed out of it. Fast forward a couple of years and the current government decides to try and take control of all MJ growing. They (try) cancel the old program, create a new one under which they license larger grow ops, lots of rules, security, taxes of course. Spring of this year the new program was supposed to take over and a couple of months before it comes into effect, Health Canada sends out notices to those who were carded to grow, threatening to share their database with the RCMP if you didn't have your plants destroyed by the deadline. Fortunately, the case was challenged, went to the BC Supreme Court and the old program was grandfathered in. There's an appeal by the government in play of course and will go to the Supreme Court of Canada sometime this Spring. But in the meantime, if you're a new patient you can only get cards to buy through the new program and there is no allowance for new grow cards. The whole time you're in this limbo mode if you're a new patient, having to (legally) buy through a registered MMPR at $250-$300/oz. Fuck that, I'll stay under the radar until it's legal to grow, probably not in my lifetime. Keep it stealth, keep it quiet imo.