If you could wrestle ONE memBer?

Idk man I'll fight anyone especially when I was 16

Cuz I was on roids lol

If I can find a picture of me flexing when I was 16 ill post a pic

I was trying to be a professional lifter

But I don't start fights anyways lol

I also did a bottle of juice when I was like 15 or 16 years old.

I never did juice again, but it worked great. I went from a skinny teenager, to a built teenager.

I kept all of My 185 pounds of weight, until I got fat when I was 24 years old because I got put on medication.

Now, I weigh about 220 pounds of pure teddy bear.

I also did a bottle of juice when I was like 15 or 16 years old.

I never did juice again, but it worked great. I went from a skinny teenager, to a built teenager.

I kept all of My 185 pounds of weight, until I got fat when I was 24 years old because I got put on medication.

Now, I weigh about 220 pounds of pure teddy bear.


yeah after i got kicked from football i gained alot of fat and lost alot of muscle

ive been working out for a few monthes now even when i moved

i used to bench 210 now i can barely throw up 150

its crazy how a year of fucking around can mess you up

but im gonna do a few more cycles again after i loss more weight

I was jacked at 16 years old. I used to go to the gym like 6 times a week. But, I am a lover and not a fighter. Don't let My cute smile confuse you, I was solid. If you saw a picture of Me with My shirt off, when I was 16 years old, you would think again before starting a fight.


I think some of the ladies wouldn't hesitate to fight you...
yeah after i got kicked from football i gained alot of fat and lost alot of muscle

ive been working out for a few monthes now even when i moved

i used to bench 210 now i can barely throw up 150

its crazy how a year of fucking around can mess you up

but im gonna do a few more cycles again after i loss more weight
Steroids are for pussys! Don't ever do them again ty! if you do I'm going to knock you out with one punch and rape you until you wake up.. The mixture of your blood and your shit will leave your white ass mahogany if you choose to ever use steroids again!!!! the prophet can do whatever he wants he's the prophet!
Anybody ever have to wrestle the ol trouser snake in the morning? The battle can be Epic