If you could wrestle ONE memBer?


Ok, so on the left is Me with My x fiance, when I was in My early twenties.

And on the right is a picture when I was 16 years old (a sophmore in high school), My yearbook picture.

I used to be a sex machine!

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You can see Me when I was in My early twenties, when I was with My x fiance.

And the other picture was when I was 16 years old.

I was a stud!

But that picture came out sideways. Let Me see if I can do better than that.

EDIT- Whos dolph lungren?


well when you were 16 i would have beat the fuck out of you lol

you looked kinda like this asian kid kinda that made me push all the shopping carts he just wrangled cuz he made fun of my accent

this happened back in Floridia and i was talking to someone on the phone and the cart boy mocked me so i hung up the phone and threw my bags down and walked over to him lol

and he just kept looking at me and i was fixing to bust his face open but an idea came to my head to push all the carts out in the parking lot

so i did and they went out into a intersection and i just went away like nothing happend but you bet your ass i didnt go back there

i mean that little fucker probably knew some tiger testicle jiu jitsu shit