World of Seeds, Afghan Kush x Skunk


Well-Known Member
Anyone grown and/or smoked this one? I've got a freebie going, doesn't look too bad, just put her under 12/12 after 42 days of veg. She replaced the CC BTOG that hermied on me, so I hope it will yield some decent stuff. Might be too couchlocky for me, so I might not let her show much amber when the day comes.

So, anyone have experience with this one?


Well-Known Member
Anyone grown and/or smoked this one? I've got a freebie going, doesn't look too bad, just put her under 12/12 after 42 days of veg. She replaced the CC BTOG that hermied on me, so I hope it will yield some decent stuff. Might be too couchlocky for me, so I might not let her show much amber when the day comes.

So, anyone have experience with this one?
Grew some afghan kush regular seeds before and an auto afghan kush ryder from same company. If they successfully germinate then you have really sound genetics. Based on its genetics it would be easy to grow. The nutrient intake would be low medium to heavy medium strengths. Keep your fingers crossed that you get the afghan kush phenotype.


Well-Known Member
Must be a bit of sativa in the pheno I have, would have expected more of an indica heavy look to it. My Dinafem Cheese has much broader leaves and tighter nodes than this AKS, and it is supposed to be roughly 60% indica. Could be interesting after all.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a tasty cross. I grew their Afghan Kush and it is currently my herbal ambien. Nice body buzz that will put you to sleep. The Skunk addition should make a nice effect.


Well-Known Member
Im surprised how much this plant stretched. I was expecting an indica dom plant, but my AKS is stretching still after 15 days of 12/12. Leaves are narrow, looks to be a sativa leaning pheno.

No complaints here!


its pretty easy to grow. sativa dom. doesnt realy recover too well from reveging. a bud of mine allmost got 9 o per plant from soil. i only manage to get close to 6.5 o. both soil with zero perlite. 15L pots. there was a prob with my nutes. could not stabalize the ph. i also had a massive prob with mites. i was away for the last 3-4 weeks from flower too. lil cuz didnt realy know what he was doing but yea. lst and fim it. very disapointed. according to the size of the stem. could of got an easy 9-10-11 o with ease. there easy to clone to. i just stick them in wet coco and bam.


Well-Known Member
I have quite the opposite going on. My pheno is very much indica based with the fat leaves. She's on the bottom left (smallest one).



Well-Known Member
I just finished afghan kush x Yumbolt from world of seeds and it was dank. Thinking of trying your strain out maybe other afghan kush crosses they have


Well-Known Member
I grew Afghan X skunk from Sensi Seed Bank in the mid 90's. It is very easy to grow, high yielding and potent. An afghan skunk is an awesome strain for pain relief, appetite, and anxiety relief.


Well-Known Member
I just finished the afghan kush x skunk freebie I got some herbies or attitude, dont remember where.

It was actually amazing. It was so good in fact, I cut the plant down and put it back into 24hr light so I can reveg and take clones. Really really impressed, adding this as a permanent resident of my room.


Well-Known Member
i just got 10 of the reg afghani kush seeds from world of seeds, suposed to be a landrace so i have high hopes for it..


Growing this afghan kush x skunk now. About 3 weeks into flower. Sativa dom about 5 feet tall many long branches many colas. Up until now best plant I ever grew. Plant is producing many bud sites but no thc resin yet. Is it normal for a sativa yo take longer to produce thc. It's getting plenty of light and flowering as ND growing healthy just no thc in the buds yet about 4 weeks from flip


Well-Known Member
Growing this afghan kush x skunk now. About 3 weeks into flower. Sativa dom about 5 feet tall many long branches many colas. Up until now best plant I ever grew. Plant is producing many bud sites but no thc resin yet. Is it normal for a sativa yo take longer to produce thc. It's getting plenty of light and flowering as ND growing healthy just no thc in the buds yet about 4 weeks from flip
it all depends on the flowering time and the phenio,, sometimes they really dont show crystal production till buds fill out, 3 weeks in wait 2 more, then u should have good crystals beginning but ur plant might go 9-10 weeks being sativa dom.. dont be in a hurry, good things come to those who ive grown skunk and sfghan but not a cross, both are good producers and wile the crystal production of the afghan is way better than skunk, the skunk has the height and may have a really good strain but it may take longer to fininsh, some skunk plants go 10-11 weeks, i prefer plants that finish in 8 but longer flowering= bigger buds most times...good luck, let me know how she goes..hope this helps..


It helps alot man thanks the chemist 77. Buds are starting to fill out many many buds. I believe the guy that posted in this thread about yielding 7 to 9 oz a plant with afghan kush x skunk by world of seeds. I tried to keep this plant away from the light but it kept growing like wildfire. I pray to God that my clones root I am new growing resin filled buds are easy to produce with a good seed. But cloning I find difficult especially since all plants are budding. Veg clones all died.


Well-Known Member
It helps alot man thanks the chemist 77. Buds are starting to fill out many many buds. I believe the guy that posted in this thread about yielding 7 to 9 oz a plant with afghan kush x skunk by world of seeds. I tried to keep this plant away from the light but it kept growing like wildfire. I pray to God that my clones root I am new growing resin filled buds are easy to produce with a good seed. But cloning I find difficult especially since all plants are budding. Veg clones all died.
for cloning i recomend buying a clone king, a clone tray w/ dome, but for now u can just put ph balanced water in a plastic cup, cover it w/ clear wrap, and poke ur cutting through, use clone gel or my favorite was always dip n grow because its sterile and u can even clean ur scisors and scalpal in it.. make sure to sterilize everything because if u dont ur plant can get an infection or spred mold n mildew..if you get a clone king cloner u no longer need rooting gel, but still sterilize between each cutting..i prefer 24 hr light over clones and they dont need alot of light, actually they root faster in dim light but its ur preference..5 feet is an awful tall plant, u better have a good light, even 1000 watt hps probably wont penetrate to your lower branches,,maybe add suplimental side and lower light for bigger popcorn buds.. id like to see a pic of it if u can..
also if you want u can check out my curent grow at,,,

my next run will be even better as i got some killer tips from some really cool guys here..i had grown over ten years and in the last month here on roll it up ive learned more than all my reading books and expieriences put together.. anyways hope i help and cloning can be tricky for new growers so dont let it get u down just keep trying and sooner or later youll master it..i had a 90% success rate w/ clones in a dome for years, a wile back i bought a clone king 36 just to try because it doesnt use a dome so i thought it wouldnt work, but to my surprise ive been getting 100% success with it!!!