Burn This Bitch Down!


Well-Known Member

I said no system coercive or otherwise will prevent irrational people from doing this. The question you might ask is how can this be minimized and what is a just way of ensuring restitution.

Except you didn't ask that, nor did you answer why you salute a flag that ENCOURAGES asset forfeiture as a business model to gain "revenue" for budgets for the thugs.

It seems like you are avoiding your own contradiction.
you have no answers for your live with no rules or govern. Keep smoking what you smoking... that shit must be nice to have you thinking the way you do.

Fantasy Island

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Without a goverment there is no property

That ranks right up there with your legendary declaration of "pot should be legal to grow but illegal to sell".

Hey has anybody seen Somalia, they have no fucking government and the whole fucking land mass just vanished!!!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you have no answers for your live with no rules or govern. Keep smoking what you smoking... that shit must be nice to have you thinking the way you do.

Fantasy Island

Clearly you have created your own reality of my perspective. I can't elevate your reasoning powers for you, I'm sorry.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Maybe he'd use harsh language? Send a strongly worded letter? Leave a passive-aggressive note?

Perhaps "the force" exists in this fantasy land he created?

/waves hand
"This is not the property you were looking for...."
I see you are having some fun with this. Do you consider yourself a person that likes to read things that might answer your questions or would you prefer to continue to remain convinced that the present paradigm is as good as it gets?

By the way, how do you feel about asset forfeiture and why hasn't the magical existing system prevented those things from happening?


Well-Known Member
I see you are having some fun with this. Do you consider yourself a person that likes to read things that might answer your questions or would you prefer to continue to remain convinced that the present paradigm is as good as it gets?

By the way, how do you feel about asset forfeiture and why hasn't the magical existing system prevented those things from happening?
we have rules for asset forfeiture to assure that the burden falls on the Government to show that the property can be taken.

What will stop others from just killing you and taking your property in your world.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for this conversation. It' much better to engage this way than to battle a legion of drunken strawmen astride penis cloud chariots.

What is a truly free market is the relevant question. A truly free market can only occur when there is a consensual exchange, otherwise the market is restricted and somebody has been placed under duress. Agreed?
I have no need to coddle or make life better for other races. In fact I'm disgusted that we are the only people in world history who have given away our birthright. Until the 1960's out policy was to keep the United states a white nation. Securing the blessings of liberty to our descendants. Instead we are being colonized by the third world and told it's a good thing.

That being siad, I'm a firm believer in that the law is an instrument that is truly blind. No legal preference or hinderence should be made on such race, religion, ethnicity or anything like that.

So no. If you open a business and have goods for sell, you sell them to whomever has what you're willing to take for them .

We could expand this further and i think we might find common ground.

Restrictive covenants have and should be illegal. Say a subdivision has a HOA that says you can't sell your home to black people. Individuals should be able to sell their home to anyone who can and wants to buy it.

However, I would be in favor of groups of people being allowed to set up an association, whatever legal name you like (corporate, nonprofit or whatever ) that would buy tracts of land and allow whomever it decides to live there.

This way the group owns the land and each individual is just part owner of the group. When a family wants to move out, the group pays them out. When someone wants to buy in, they have to meet group approval. Be that racial, religious or what have you.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
we have rules for asset forfeiture to assure that the burden falls on the Government to show that the property can be taken.

What will stop others from just killing you and taking your property in your world.
The first part of your "answer" was nonsensical. Would you mind translating that to English? I know you won't because you'll claim your non answer was an answer. Asset forfeiture is theft and YOU help enable it, don't you?

Self defense or hiring a self defense contractor or building good relations with neighbors by not trying to run their lives for them are some of the things that might help.

What keeps people from taking your property now, especially the people whose boots you lick?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I have no need to coddle or make life better for other races. In fact I'm disgusted that we are the only people in world history who have given away our birthright. Until the 1960's out policy was to keep the United states a white nation. Securing the blessings of liberty to our descendants. Instead we are being colonized by the third world and told it's a good thing.

That being siad, I'm a firm believer in that the law is an instrument that is truly blind. No legal preference or hinderence should be made on such race, religion, ethnicity or anything like that.

So no. If you open a business and have goods for sell, you sell them to whomever has what you're willing to take for them .

We could expand this further and i think we might find common ground.

Restrictive covenants have and should be illegal. Say a subdivision has a HOA that says you can't sell your home to black people. Individuals should be able to sell their home to anyone who can and wants to buy it.

However, I would be in favor of groups of people being allowed to set up an association, whatever legal name you like (corporate, nonprofit or whatever ) that would buy tracts of land and allow whomever it decides to live there.

This way the group owns the land and each individual is just part owner of the group. When a family wants to move out, the group pays them out. When someone wants to buy in, they have to meet group approval. Be that racial, religious or what have you.

You avoided delving into my previous statement. Trade to be fair must be consensual, that means BOTH parties must agree to it.
If they don't, somebody is forcing another into a transaction they would not ordinarily make.

I do not advocate or approve of a person being a racist. However being a racist doesn't mean that person should be deprived by force of THEIR right to peacefully determine the use of THEIR OWN property or THEIR body.

When you advocate that a person must engage in commerce in ways they prefer not to, you are advocating taking away a persons right of self determination and ignoring the force that accompanies that edict. Peace.


Well-Known Member
The first part of your "answer" was nonsensical. Would you mind translating that to English? I know you won't because you'll claim your non answer was an answer. Asset forfeiture is theft and YOU help enable it, don't you?

Self defense or hiring a self defense contractor or building good relations with neighbors by not trying to run their lives for them are some of the things that might help.

What keeps people from taking your property now, especially the people whose boots you lick?
Again NO ONE has taken or attempted to take my property soooooo.

Now again what would stop chaos and madness in your utopia. What would stop someone from raping, killing and just taking your property ? If you can 't answer that question don't bother typing


Well-Known Member
I have no need to coddle or make life better for other races. In fact I'm disgusted that we are the only people in world history who have given away our birthright. Until the 1960's out policy was to keep the United states a white nation. Securing the blessings of liberty to our descendants. Instead we are being colonized by the third world and told it's a good thing.
What delusional world did you grow up in? Our entire country is made up of immigrants from all over the world. This "white nation" bullshit is nothing but a fantasy
When you advocate that a person must engage in commerce in ways they prefer not to, you are advocating taking away a persons right of self determination and ignoring the force that accompanies that edict. Peace.
You don't have the "right" to discriminate against people based on superficial factors like skin color or sexual orientation, so how can someone take away something you don't have in the first place?


Well-Known Member
You avoided delving into my previous statement. Trade to be fair must be consensual, that means BOTH parties must agree to it.
If they don't, somebody is forcing another into a transaction they would not ordinarily make.

I do not advocate or approve of a person being a racist. However being a racist doesn't mean that person should be deprived by force of THEIR right to peacefully determine the use of THEIR OWN property or THEIR body.

When you advocate that a person must engage in commerce in ways they prefer not to, you are advocating taking away a persons right of self determination and ignoring the force that accompanies that edict. Peace.
I've already explained how it is consensual.

If you open a hamburger stand you voluntarily agree to sell hamburgers. You know the law currently says you must serve anyone a hamburger who brings you money.

You open your hamburger stand anyway. That's consent.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Again NO ONE has taken or attempted to take my property soooooo.

Now again what would stop chaos and madness in your utopia. What would stop someone from raping, killing and just taking your property ? If you can 't answer that question don't bother typing
Your property CAN be taken any time, under the asset forfeiture rules...and for many other things too. I'll leave that topic alone for now, since you clearly are uncomfortable recognizing the duplicity in your pick and choose what you will answer. I'll chock it up to your inabilty to recognize the contradiction in what you pledge allegiance to.

Rape, murder, theft ? What stops people from doing this now ? Does the present regime magically prevent this? No it doesn't, it not only enables it, it is the lifeblood of it.

When you're done folding the laundry, I might delve into some solutions, but you're gonna have to pay attention as some of the concepts require an open mind and an ability to engage in critical thinking.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What delusional world did you grow up in? Our entire country is made up of immigrants from all over the world. This "white nation" bullshit is nothing but a fantasy

You don't have the "right" to discriminate against people based on superficial factors like skin color or sexual orientation, so how can someone take away something you don't have in the first place?
Do any of us have the right to determine how others will peacefully use their own property?


Well-Known Member
What delusional world did you grow up in? Or entire country is made up of immigrants from all over the world. This "white nation" bullshit is nothing but a fantasy
When the English came to America they did not immigrate. They were pioneers. If they came here to immigrate they would have settled in with the native tribes and lived like and with the Indians.

No, my ancestors weren't immigrants, They were pioneers. they came to a land and created a civilization.

Later on germans, Italians and others came.

We've started throwing all that away.


Well-Known Member
Your property CAN be taken any time, under the asset forfeiture rules...and for many other things too. I'll leave that topic alone for now, since you clearly are uncomfortable recognizing the duplicity in your pick and choose what you will answer. I'll chock it up to your inabilty to recognize the contradiction in what you pledge allegiance to.

Rape, murder, theft ? What stops people from doing this now ? Does the present regime magically prevent this? No it doesn't, it not only enables it, it is the lifeblood of it.

When you're done folding the laundry, I might delve into some solutions, but you're gonna have to pay attention as some of the concepts require an open mind and an ability to engage in critical thinking.
If murder was not against the law and carried the stiff penalty it does I'm sure I would have murdered some folks in my time. Do you think if we were a lawless nation that you would be safe..LOL

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I've already explained how it is consensual.

If you open a hamburger stand you voluntarily agree to sell hamburgers. You know the law currently says you must serve anyone a hamburger who brings you money.

You open your hamburger stand anyway. That's consent.
Nope. If you open a hamburger stand in the present paradigm, there is NOTHING voluntary about the restrictions imposed on you, the ostensible owner.

Consent, under duress is NOT consent or consensual.

Most of us here recognize that pot is "illegal", did we consent to having our homes stolen and lives fucked when we lite a joint?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If murder was not against the law and carried the stiff penalty it does I'm sure I would have murdered some folks in my time. Do you think if we were a lawless nation that you would be safe..LOL

Laws do not make a person safe, Mr. the only thing that keeps me from killing people is the fear of punishment. Laws can and are used to kill people and imprison them for not harming others though.

A nation state is an artificial construct, defining the territory that a given gang of thugs controls.

What keeps most people from killing others is the recognition that it is wrong, unless they are in government, then they have no morality. Or maybe they sniff too many towels used at Wendys to mop up the bathroom floors and somehow the pungent fumes skew their cognitive abilities.

Murder is wrong whether it is against the law or not or euphemized away as a "necessary evil" or called collateral damage.


Well-Known Member
Do any of us have the right to determine how others will peacefully use their own property?
You are not "peacefully using your own property" when you deny a certain member of society something based off of your own superficial prejudices. It causes racial tension that ultimately leads to violence
When the English came to America they did not immigrate. They were pioneers. If they came here to immigrate they would have settled in with the native tribes and lived like and with the Indians.

No, my ancestors weren't immigrants, They were pioneers. they came to a land and created a civilization.

Later on germans, Italians and others came.

We've started throwing all that away.
Yeah, that's a whole lot of bullshit. The English immigrated to America just like everybody else who's not native American. Everyone who was not born inside the US who settled here was an immigrant, which makes up most everyone's ancestors.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You are not "peacefully using your own property" when you deny a certain member of society something based off of your own superficial prejudices. It causes racial tension that ultimately leads to violence

Yeah, that's a whole lot of bullshit. The English immigrated to America just like everybody else who's not native American. Everyone who was not born inside the US who settled here was an immigrant, which makes up most everyone's ancestors.

So you think by making a person interact with you, you are behaving peacefully? Please explain how that works.