All Per Plus for Spider Mites?

Due to financial reasons, I'll probably have to stick with the habenero spray. I used it and the snake oil yesterday, and I have live mites this morning. I was very thorough, and a little part of my left arm got burnt, so I know it was cooked right. I'll spray them again in a couple days and hope it works.

Hey brother we are fighting a was with the same pesky mite, this is my first in counter with them so i wentt for the all natural approach. I made a brew of,
1/2lb habs
1 full clove garlic
1tsp pepermint oil
1tsp lavender oil
8oz fresh rosmary
I minced the garlic and habs in my blender, simmered in 1 quart of water for 20 mins. Boiled the rosmary seperatly in another quart of water for 1m, the let stoop for 10. When both cooled i added the last oils and mixed the two. I am deluting with fresh water 1.1 ratio. I plan to use this tonight and update its progress.

While making the brew I also whiped the main branches/nodes/leaves of the sickly plant.
Side note. I also ordered 1500 lady bugs via Amazon, cause this means war:fire::fire:
When I added the peppermint oil, it turned the mix into a slime.

Get rid of the ladybugs! These things are smart. Like up there with bees and ants smart. They will herd the mites like little sheep, and then they use them for little mite farms. They are smart enough to not eat themselves out of a food source, they farm it! Awesome really, but not so much for our purposes.
Forbid 4F - 1/8 tsp/gal. with a surfactant. That's the best solution currently available. I use it commercially on my farm and so do other farmer friends who took my recommendation. I also gifted other cannabis members and they love it. Here's the science behind it, and yes, it is translaminar.

Some products that really work, no snake oil here.


A fella who did have mites and now doesn't. He is currently still growing out Dalat that I gifted him. Plant is just now showing brown pistils. Eat your heart out....:mrgreen:


Rains expected so he covered this outdoor growing plant. Now THAT is what I call dedication!

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When I added the peppermint oil, it turned the mix into a slime.

Get rid of the ladybugs! These things are smart. Like up there with bees and ants smart. They will herd the mites like little sheep, and then they use them for little mite farms. They are smart enough to not eat themselves out of a food source, they farm it! Awesome really, but not so much for our purposes.

Yes but they are impolite to mites. I love them happy just knowing that they are violating the mite’s basic civil liberties and, possibly their genitals and or appendages as well.
Get rid of the ladybugs! These things are smart. Like up there with bees and ants smart. They will herd the mites like little sheep, and then they use them for little mite farms. They are smart enough to not eat themselves out of a food source, they farm it! Awesome really, but not so much for our purposes.
For real? Can I get a link or something?? That's fascinating if it's true
Not very ladylike
Is it bad? If not, get tweezers and take each one off individually.. I use to have these small yellow crab looking spiders on one of mine, just this one particular..
So lasnight was a sucess as far as i can tell. The numbers are down to almost no alive bugs, but i know its not over. I am going to do the regiment every 2 days for 2 weeks to keep numbers down before my harvest on the plant they did not infect. As for the other plants 1 infect 1 not, they have 4 weeks left. I also dunked all my clones /veg plants in this mix for even coverage and more preventitive and will continue to spray them. As for destroying the bastards an insuring their demise I have ordered the lady bugs which I will use sparingly, i have a few nopest strip ready for my room after the girls are done, and i am going to order some of the forbid to re ensure my flower room has no freeloaders. Thanks for all the help, i will keep you gents posted.