There are 6 plants that are still hanging. 4 of them will be cut up tomorrow morning and the other 2 maybe tomorrow night...maybe the following morning.
I also have 2 jars that I'm not sure if they've been photographed or not...I'll figure that out tomorrow.
In the mean time I wanted to share my modest summer harvest. I grew a Northern Lights Auto from BlimBurn Seeds. When I first started getting interested in growing again I had never heard of Auto's and it was a freebie from Attitude when I started placing orders for seeds.
At any rate, the grow went well and the plant was very nice. She had a nice mellow high and earthy taste. She was harvested on August 16th and has been curing since August 21st. Tonight was the 1st time I've checked on her in about a month and I wanted to share some pictures. When the cure started, she looked like about everything else usually looks. Having cured now for about 2 1/2 months she has lost almost all of the green color. Actually most of the green was gone after 1 1/2 months...last time I checked on her. At 1 1/2 month into the cure she measured 58% RH and while I did not take a reading today she feels pretty damned dry now. I'm going to take some sample puffs and see what she tastes like. She smells very odd. Can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe when I grind a little up she will smell differently.
At any rate, here are some pics I wanted to share. I've never cured anything this long and I've never had color like this.
When I look at the trich's under a scope they look absolutely gorgeous. They are not all brown and decrepit or anything like that. Nice and clear and shiny and sparkly.
Anyone done extended cures before that can share their experience with color and aroma?