what will a 12 hour light cycle do to a new plant?

eugene b

Well-Known Member
Hi i have 5 large plants 2 weeks into flower, i also have 4 freshly sprouted plants about 3 days old.I need all the lights in my tent for the flowering plants will it do any harm keeping the seedlings on a 12 hour light cycle instead of 18 hrs and if i do what will it do to the development of the plant and how will i get them to flower in 8 weeks time?
Any help welcome has anyone had this problem themselves and if so what was the outcome of keeping the seedlings on a 12 hr light cycle?

Wicked ReToddDid

Active Member
This is something I don't have a specific experience with, but I do know that plants will not flower until they are mature enough. So in theory, you could put seedlings into 12/12 in a pinch, but I would think that growth would slow with less light than a 24/0, 20/4, 18/6 schedule.
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Well-Known Member
the plant will survive its original growth will be slow...once it achieves maturity it will begin to produce flowers...Google 12/12 from seed...lots of info to set your mind at ease...g/l

eugene b

Well-Known Member
How so? I find it interesting that some members flame other members for their advise to OP and don't offer up their own advise. If my info is bad, please explain why so we may learn.
thats right mate they should leave advice not just act all know it all...

eugene b

Well-Known Member
anyway it seems 12 12 will be fine ...ill harvest in 6 weeks then bring on the 12 12 plants get them done then set up properly for a proper run....think ill do 4 think different and 4 dr kripplings increadable bulk...plant a few extra in case i loose any along the way....peace guys and good night its late here in the place that i live so night all-)

Wicked ReToddDid

Active Member
anyway it seems 12 12 will be fine ...ill harvest in 6 weeks then bring on the 12 12 plants get them done then set up properly for a proper run....think ill do 4 think different and 4 dr kripplings increadable bulk...plant a few extra in case i loose any along the way....peace guys and good night its late here in the place that i live so night all-)
Cheers! Good luck.