AMA - UncleBuck

its a hippo cat (crite) isn't that obvious? Not that uncle is a hypocrite but that is clearly what it is

that is not clear, nor is it my intention.

How many dick pics have you been sent?
Do you want more?

one, pinworm's. i will take all the dick pics i can get though!

you know it's referring to you, right?


Uncle buck, is it gay that I would want to sit next to you if we were in the same class together?

yes, very jolly and gay!

i just dug through all the paperwork i have ever kept in my life looking for the title to my car and found a lot of shit i kept from high school.

oh, what a trip.
i have skipped two to be honest, but i will get back around to them. they just deserve decent answers.
You're a real mans man! I can respect that. I just wish some people could hold themselves accountable like yourself! Cops... Am I right?