24 hour light cycle and other questions

magic alex

Active Member
ive had my plant for around 3 weeks, im not sure exactly, i planted a seed randomly in another flower pot outside my house and noticed it start to grow.
i just translplanted it indoors where im keeping it under a grow light all day.

is that ok? ive read different information and i havnt really gotten a straight answer. do they need darkness in this stage?

its about a foot tall now with like 6 or 8 leaves.

is that considered seedling or vegetative state?

how soon can i determine its sex?

and also, when can i put it into flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
A pic would go a long way.

No your plant does not need darkness until your ready to flower. More light = more growth.

I would say it is in the veg state but a pic would be helpful.

Preflowers will start to show in 6 to 8 weeks if you are running a 24 hour light cycle. Closer to the 6 if you run 18/6 cycle. They will show up around the 5 or 6 node.

You can put it into flower when ever you want just switch the lights to 12/12


Well-Known Member
You need more light & it needs to be closer to your plant.

I've started seedlings out on 12/12. Keep in mind the younger the plant is going into 12/12 the longer it will take to show sex.

magic alex

Active Member
how much more light how close? haha
thats one grow light directly above it, i thought that would be enough for one plant


Well-Known Member
how much more light how close? haha
thats one grow light directly above it, i thought that would be enough for one plant
see man, like it was mentioned; more light = more bud....as I looked at your pic....it looked like it was stretching hella bad....how far did you say you had the light???.....once again....by looking at the pics you posted, it looks way too far from the plant......it should also be noted m_a that depending on the traits of the plant itself (thinner leaves = sativa, broad leaves = indica).....I may have it backwards so don't quote me on it, but I by the looks of things you need the light waaaaaaaay lower than you have it....try to get the light about 4 inches away from the top (rule of thumb, not a written rule though)......best way to determine wether or not the light is too close is by placing your hand under it....if you can place your hand under it for say 10 minutes (not literally, though)....and your hand feels comfortably warm....that is how the tops of your plants will feel.....just imagine a woman sunbathing.....if she's right in the sun....she'll be fried to a crisp if she doesn't get protection from the heat....just keep that in mind man...

That's my .02, hope I was able to help,
