Gasoline is getting super cheap

So since gasoline is getting super cheap- I heard below $2 by Christmas- does anyone have any good ideas? I'm thinking of getting a pile of old barrels and filling them with gas and lining them up in my backyard, so that when it gets more expensive I'm all set.

LOL tell me when it hits .19/gallon

I wanna go have a beer. I have a car, keys and a dog. I want a beer. I do not wish to go GET a beer. I even have my clothes on and I still do not wish to go get that beer and I'm sober. I was PROMISED XMAS LIGHTS AND BEER!

Don't have the fuckin' xmas lights and another light took a dump on me. I think I NEED a beer.
Here in Spain diesel is at 1,08 euros a liter, still expensive in comparison but im fucking laaaaaaaaaaaaaughiong mate. I drive 800km with less than 40 euros.
You have to be sure to get high quality 55 gal drums that are newer. You can only store.for about 5 years I think.maybe a lil more before you start getting leaks. Also got to stabilize them for long storage and somewhere where they wont be in direct light in summer. I dont remember where but I read up.a lil on this