Dr Jones' S.O.G. Journal


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, yeah but it wd suk a lot more if you were coming by and telling me that id cut too early - That wd be a REAL bummer. Thats why im in this here forum, collaborating with all you skilled, time-served producers of fine MJ. Im still a noob btw, i been lucky till now and with some continued good advice from all you out there, will get there in the end. ill take pics of all generations today. The calyxes on genA are real swolen, ill see if I can show them.:peace:
Here are the links i consult when determining when to harvest, and how to dry and cure. Perhaps you'll find them of some use also....
Peak Harvest

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member

Been tryin to update this journal since last night. What a nightmare with database errors and 404's. Kept losing script and all the pics. Im uploading 8 pics mostly of Gen A


Strain 1 - Plant 1


Strain 1 - Plant 2


Strain 2 - 1 Plant


Im on a mission for 8pm so I cant do the rest just now - typical! Ill have pics of Mom, Clones and Gen B Porn shots later.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Update 2

OK, here's Generation B. Perhaps porn is too strong at this stage.

Flowering Canopy


Mother, Clones, New Roots


Storage Shelf, Mixing Corner

I have to lug all this water up a ladder every night! Plumber's too stoned to help me out.


mr west

Well-Known Member
why dont u stick a tap on ur tank in the roof? Rubbs thieghs vigorously, young girlies showing they not so young no more lol. Still enough to give me tingles giggidiy giggidy>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
WOW,Great Idea's, & Execution!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,Read Through Your Thread & Your Doing A Great Job,,,,,I Like Your Operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
why dont u stick a tap on ur tank in the roof? Rubbs thieghs vigorously, young girlies showing they not so young no more lol. Still enough to give me tingles giggidiy giggidy>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:
not so young indeed... LMAO. You're on my wavelength Mr West

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
WOW,Great Idea's, & Execution!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,Read Through Your Thread & Your Doing A Great Job,,,,,I Like Your Operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Thanks for the comments Hatch. Ill give the girls some love. Its like an operation somtimes, trying to get in around them. There's no much space and I really wish I had an alternative to a very small loft.

mr west

Well-Known Member
om growing i a fitted wordrobe and an ex watertank cupboard in a tiny 1 bed flat, theres always room somewhere

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Right I was on a mission earlier, Swapped Box A (4 my clones) for Box B (Skunk and Crystal) earlier this evening. They been in Flower for 5 days so they'll have a wee head start on my own when I put them through. Gonna need individual names. This GenB strainB plant 3 shit could go on forever. I like the way they name Hurricanes like after girls with names starting with ascending letters in the alphabet. Need to give it some thought over a dooby...

DSCN0944.jpg - A IMG_1230.jpg- B





I wanted a bit of variety, these are a little stretched but they might fill out. Hell ive seen lots worse. Im getting excited about my Jamaicans now. I need to put them to seed - Still haven't done it! Ill be taking GenD cuttings on Friday anyway, so I might clip these new plants to keep them going. I have had this Crystal strain before and loved it. You get used to the same smoke after a while.
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Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Update - New Batch

I eventually got round to sowing my Jamaican seeds. I put 8 in Jiffy Pellets soaked in a solution of cheshunt compound. They're in plastic containers in a dark warm cupboard. I originally wanted them to pop through for the 1st but thats ambitious now. I wont be too far off. Ill post pics of any developments as they happen.

HELP?? to avoid stretching, what are the correct actions to take immediately after sprouting? ie straight under 24hr light, real close? leave to develop leaves in darkness? Give me some input and why you think best. Much appreciated.

Thats me got as many generations as ill ever have at any time, provided they sprout - if not, im taking a heap of cuttings too :) its late and im smashed, time to hit the sack g'nite all. Somebody rate ma thread please, im feelin left out :cry:


Well-Known Member
Update - New Batch

I eventually got round to sowing my Jamaican seeds. I put 8 in Jiffy Pellets soaked in a solution of cheshunt compound. They're in plastic containers in a dark warm cupboard. I originally wanted them to pop through for the 1st but thats ambitious now. I wont be too far off. Ill post pics of any developments as they happen.

HELP?? to avoid stretching, what are the correct actions to take immediately after sprouting? ie straight under 24hr light, real close? leave to develop leaves in darkness? Give me some input and why you think best. Much appreciated.

Thats me got as many generations as ill ever have at any time, provided they sprout - if not, im taking a heap of cuttings too :) its late and im smashed, time to hit the sack g'nite all. Somebody rate ma thread please, im feelin left out :cry:
I think I have had great success in avoiding stretchy plants which i attribute to my HID lighting (from seed) and two fans blowing on them.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
if i can remember right you are running clf's in your veg room. get your plants as close as you can to the light without getting any heat damage.

love the idea in the first pic this would stop the pots sitting in run off. i would rep you for that but i need to sread the love.

as i can't rep you here's my rating.


Well-Known Member
if i can remember right you are running clf's in your veg room. get your plants as close as you can to the light without getting any heat damage.

love the idea in the first pic this would stop the pots sitting in run off. i would rep you for that but i need to sread the love.

as i can't rep you here's my rating.
if you are asking me - no - i use HIDs through the whole grow (though if i am still cleaning my system when the seeds germinate - i'll but them under regular florescent lights.

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Thanks for sticking with me guys. I cant upgrade the lights in my Veg Room to HID's at all. Im still unemployed and dreading the leckie bill arriving! What is the difference between cfl's and regular flourescents? Ill get them as close as I possibly can when the time comes.

I got lucky when i started making a transport frame for my clones. My clone cups were just the same size as the biggest hole saw I had. I wanted to avoid damaging the roots, or have them sitting on the arse of the box. The cup underneath gave me some clearance to avoid crushing the roots and I just taped on some bottle bottoms to contain drips in transit. Im gonna keep the rack as ill be needing it on a monthly basis.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
nothing i know of, i all ways put CLF i did mean reg fluorescents you are running T5's arn'nt you. i have read that you can get excellent results in veg with any on par fluores.
just keep them as close to the plant as possible with out damage.

i was thinking that would be a good set up for a grow room to stop the plants sitting in the run off after watering.


Well-Known Member
CLF (is actually) CFL = compact florescent lighting - the long tubes - like in many garages/basements are regular florescent tubes - while the smaller tubes (like T5s) and those spirally bulbs are the compact florescent lighting (CFL). CFLs, i believe, pack more lumens in a smaller space and therefore more desirable for growing. Many folks use regular fluorescents for mothers and clones (but CFLs are also fine for this) and CFLs for growing.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i allways get that the wrong way round. lol
i also class my envirolites as CFL,
by next week i will be putting CLF again it's one of those thing's i just can not get in to my head.