Wal Mart Selling Grow Lights


Well-Known Member
With states now opening up to legalization, this is inevitable.

However, not even if a Walmart employee can answer me how many lumens per square foot is recommended to flower a cannabis plant, what I'd need to eliminate spider mites on a 'human consumable' plant, or how to change up my nutes so that I get more nitrogen without overdoing the other important factors, I *still* wouldn't buy from that company who under pays staff while hiding taxable income, while causing mass grief on social programs (welfare, food stamps etc).

Buy local where possible (ie. grow shop). Where not possible, buy from grow shops online that support a community that isn't your own.



Well-Known Member
WalMart contributes huge amounts of money to the Republican party just so everybody knows. Buying grow equip there is helping to keep it illegal


Well-Known Member
WalMart contributes huge amounts of money to the Republican party just so everybody knows. Buying grow equip there is helping to keep it illegal
It is irrelevant which political 'party' they support, as they'll support anyone who furthers their own agenda of keeping money in their own pockets.

Keep shopping at Walmart as your community continues to degrade into poverty. Let those who have disposable income continue to blame the poor for high crime rates and poverty in the area, when in reality, it is big box stores and corporate monopolies who destroy humanity earth-wide by paying low wages, hiding (sheltering) income and fighting against equality.

This isn't only affecting communities in America... countries all over the world are abused by conglomorates. Slave labour is one.

I for one, who is fortunate enough to have some disposable income, and who volunteers at food banks and in the 'hood for social projects so I can remember where I came from, will always advise to stay away from supporting these leeches.



Well-Known Member
With states now opening up to legalization, this is inevitable.

However, not even if a Walmart employee can answer me how many lumens per square foot is recommended to flower a cannabis plant, what I'd need to eliminate spider mites on a 'human consumable' plant, or how to change up my nutes so that I get more nitrogen without overdoing the other important factors, I *still* wouldn't buy from that company who under pays staff while hiding taxable income, while causing mass grief on social programs (welfare, food stamps etc).

Buy local where possible (ie. grow shop). Where not possible, buy from grow shops online that support a community that isn't your own.

Just saying, but try and ask those questions here and see the BS flow.


Well-Known Member
Just saying, but try and ask those questions here and see the BS flow.
I know how to do initial and post research, which is how I've become (hopefully) a credible poster here on RIU.

The facts (regarding growing) will always come out. Every forum I've ever belonged to since the dawn of the Internet has had its share of false information. It's those who take the time to perform due diligence on their own are the ones who will see through bullshit.
