Have you been Swerved?

Have you ever been Swerved?

  • Once or twice

    Votes: 37 35.9%
  • Thrice or more

    Votes: 13 12.6%
  • Never

    Votes: 53 51.5%

  • Total voters
can you understand my english better this way.. no your okay if you can take a joke i was kidding i dont realy care to tell you the truth im wore out im just run raged im gona hang up the gig anyways.. no it not to much to ask for a perfect sentance i perfect alot of shit except this lil simple task, lolz please except my humor.. i dont want to harm or piss anyone off.. no need to go thier life is way to short to be bitter.
Not in particular. Why do people think others want to see their cocks?

All I'm saying is that it is easier to get ones point across if basic sentence structure and grammar is used. That's why it's taught. It's not hard, and it's easier to converse with people.
Not everyone went to your fancy-ass schools TonightYou. You can't just will-them to be perfect; but look at YOU with the ridicule. Who's really the dumbass here Tonight?
think about it

Ahahaha, my school isn't "fancy", and I didn't start out to ridicule anyone. I simply stated it's difficult to read ones post when the basic rules of English are disregarded.

So we are against learning and bettering oneself? It's one thing to be ignorant, it's another to be stupid. You can figure out which box you wanna fit in.
im just intrested in swerves king lui if he was able to get it to be stable thats all im hear for.. but i realy trip out that alot of work goes in this i had no idea and i even give the guy a lil respect its not easy but a lil testing be great.. i also suspect a few lies hear and their and a few mistakes like light leaks no one is perfect just intrested in that one cut or bag of seeds and thank abe supercro for support im cool i got this.. dont trip..
to night you its okay simmer down im okay with it like i sead its all good.. just hear for the pack i want to see if its stable i want the pack..
Ahahaha, my school isn't "fancy", and I didn't start out to ridicule anyone. I simply stated it's difficult to read ones post when the basic rules of English are disregarded.

So we are against learning and bettering oneself? It's one thing to be ignorant, it's another to be stupid. You can figure out which box you wanna fit in.
"Basic Rules" I rules your azzhoe now, arrogant tWat
"Basic Rules" I rules your azzhoe now, arrogant tWat
its okay big dog we hear to smile and have fun thank you thow.. lets see if the swerve can come back from a bad trip i hope he is in his lab and testing the gear thats all i have to say about that kat he had some fire hear in los angles for a long time lets see if he can redeam himself?? id buy a pack form swerve fuck it i looking for keepers.
okay guys no more please im headed out please have a good nigh smoke a lil fuck it ill give it all away i dont care anymore i just want piece on earth.. lolz im realy laughing out loud.. good night
abe if you want any cuts i have you earned them lolz for realz budy good night guys.
Funny, perhaps we have a different definition of sarcasm, because all I see is someone pissed off due to another member asking yet a third party, the initiated party, to use proper English so he could be better understood.
not rlly worth being upset over, yes i overreacted (some) but it doesn't mean that there isn't something for -you- to also learn from this chance encounter. perhaps we can discuss it another day kind sir?

this was sarcasm, yet it eluded you.
don't let it happen again when I'm around.
have a good one tonightYou, srry to be a pita.. peace
can you understand my english better this way.. no your okay if you can take a joke i was kidding i dont realy care to tell you the truth im wore out im just run raged im gona hang up the gig anyways.. no it not to much to ask for a perfect sentance i perfect alot of shit except this lil simple task, lolz please except my humor.. i dont want to harm or piss anyone off.. no need to go thier life is way to short to be bitter.
I prefer the ben folds version but to each his own.