Wait. Some chick fucked you over so badly you now think you're Jesus?

LOL. Good shit. FWIW she was pretty ugly.

No, now I don't think I'm Jesus: but when I first had My apotheosis in the year 2008, I used to think I was Jesus.

Its complicated... but I can give you a link to figure it out.

Anyways, this is how it went: in the year 2008, I was getting deep into conspiracy theories, and I started to get a little crazy. I was telling My x fiance about these conspiracy theories, and she must have thought I was going crazy, because some conspiracy theories are crazy.

I was living in My house in Maine, growing cannabis, and My x fiance was living in Rhode Island. She might have been cheating on Me, because I was gone for about 8 months, and she lived about 6 hours away: but I couldn't prove this.

When I moved back south, My x fiance said that she didn't love Me anymore. I was heart broken. I stopped eating for about 40 days, because I would only puke it up anyways.

I went from being 6 foot 1 inch at 185 pounds, to down to 160 pounds. I was very skinny and athletic to begin with, but after I starved Myself for 40 days, I looked like a holocaust victim.

It was during this ~40 day fast that I had My apotheosis. I found out that My Name, George Manuel Oliveira, means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree". And during this time, I found out that My initials, GMO, backwards is OMG.

So, because I was smoking a lot of cannabis, I thought I was Jesus for a few years.

I was sent to My first mental hospital in August of the year 2008. I started eating again at this mental hospital, but I was still very delusional.

My x fiance never wanted to be with Me again, probably because I was psychotic- thinking that I was Jesus.

But, I made a video about this... I will just play the video, and you can see Me state My sentiment.

Jesus came in 2008???

And, if you want to read My FREE autobiography, click on the link below.


CAM00040.jpgI just took this picture about an hour ago.

Later today, I plan on cutting the sides of My beard, and wear a goatee.

I am sure that I will look a lot cleaner and better looking with a goatee.

But, yeah, thats a picture of Me on December 12, 2014.

You guys will see the before and after pictures.

CAM00042.jpgI just took this selfie picture today, on 12-13-14.

I told you guys I was whacking off My beard, and leaving the goatee.

What do you guys think? do I look better with a long beard, or a goatee?

I like the goatee much better. Plus, now I don't look like a terrorist.
