^^^More ignorance from Ace actually, but what do I and others know. We have only grown with both Chinese based budget panels and the "overpriced" stuff. It's fun to have peeps come by and tell us how fuckin' stoopid we are AZ. Maybe that's why when dick heads and know-it-alls come by and say stoopid ignorant insulting shit, some folks get mad or concerned. It's shocking that a person who knows absolute dick about LEDs can even come into this section and talk like they have a clue and they're the shit. And be disrespectful in the most cowardly and passive aggressive ways. I'll respect people's right to an opinion but until I see some knowledge and experience about LEDs, they just don't know what they're talking about. Their words are a joke to many experienced LED growers. Period. Whether they know it or not.
Light is light but how it's produced is more important with LEDs. The devil in the details and all. But little kids and their Lite Brites seem to know everything when in fact they don't even know enough to know they don't know dick. They're overpaying to grow weed and don't even know it. In actuality it is the budget panels owners who are overpaying. The LEDs used in budget panels ARE THE SAME LEDS THEY USE IN MAKING SIGNS THAT HANG IN STORE WINDOWS IN CHINA AND THAT SELL FOR CHUMP CHANGE ON EBAY. Those motherfuckers are laughing all he way to the bank. "Overpriced" panels pay for themselves in the electricity and QUALITY department which is something the budget crowd refuses to accept or acknowledge. Or to put it plainer, THEY DON"T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. Hellooooooo. Is this thing on?
PS Try to build a LED light using what companies like Hans, A51, Onyx or even Apache use. You'll find that you can't build it cheaper then what their prices are.
PPS Blah Blah Blah.
PPPS Yes the average grower will benefit from an overpriced panel because they will actually operate within proper temperature standards and spectrum to grow weed. And Ace did you know some people pay delivery/usage charges for their electricity in addition to their electrical rates? And taxes on top of those charges? So yes overpriced stuff running at 200 watts will pay for itself faster than a 400 watt Vipar (I've used them btw), and benefit the average user.
PPPPS Ace, still trying to be captain of the debate club? You little genius you
