2014 set to be hottest year ever


Well-Known Member
I love when you insult me! It's the very reason I come to the politics section! Reading all your threads always makes me laugh and think about how sad your shit must be to be as angry as you are. Love it, shnookems!
how much effort do you expend keeping yourself at the level of a mentally retarded grade schooler?


Well-Known Member
No, not really. I've moved almost 30 times in my life so far- and if I needed to tomorrow- I'm ready to go. I care most about the here and now and taking care of my family. There's no way of preventing some things. Whether it's the weather or us supposedly making it dramatically worse by how we currently live, most of the studies I've seen on it sound bogus. It's a matter of opinion or there wouldn't be such a stupid debate about it.

I get what you're saying, but you can't prevent everything. The future generations will have things to face you and I don't even know about- but that's what humans have had to do since the dawn of time and we're miraculously here- so whatevs.
When I said "move" I didn't mean to another city/state, I meant move to another planet, and guess how far away that endeavour is from today? At least a century by the most conservative estimates. So in effect, our species is in a race against the climate vs how long it takes us to develop a viable plan to move to another planet (likely Mars). Think of it like this.. a meteor is heading towards Earth and the time of impact is 100 years away, we have that much time to solve and fix the problem and we still have people saying things like "there's no meteor.. it's all a hoax.. the government just wants your money..." etc..

Science is not a matter of opinion and there is no debate in the scientific community about anthropogenic climate change. The only "debate" is in the political arena because the politicians against it receive money from the fossil fuel industry to push for ignorance, just like the tobacco industry did in the 70's.


Well-Known Member
how much effort do you expend keeping yourself at the level of a mentally retarded grade schooler?
Why do spend all your time attacking people personally in every thread I've ever seen you in? Having a conversation with you in real life must be hilarious. Here's an example:

Joan the sore clerk: hi there!

Buck: fuck you!

Joan the clerk: um, sir you're going to have to pay for that giant dildo you know.

Buck: shnarffle! Politics! Black good, white bad! Anus!

Joan: oh, ok, I can see you're handicapped. Hold on, I can help you...

Buck: handicapped?! citation needed! You devil white republican bitch! Gimme my studded dildo- I need to go back to
my angry sad life and yell at random people on the internet because it makes me feel better about myself and my small penis! Gimme my dildo!

Joan: sheesh, what's that tiny black man's problem?!

Buck: phew... Good to be back home with my dogs, plants, and dildo. I'm sooooo sad and angry...


Well-Known Member
When I said "move" I didn't mean to another city/state, I meant move to another planet, and guess how far away that endeavour is from today? At least a century by the most conservative estimates. So in effect, our species is in a race against the climate vs how long it takes us to develop a viable plan to move to another planet (likely Mars). Think of it like this.. a meteor is heading towards Earth and the time of impact is 100 years away, we have that much time to solve and fix the problem and we still have people saying things like "there's no meteor.. it's all a hoax.. the government just wants your money..." etc..

Science is not a matter of opinion and there is no debate in the scientific community about anthropogenic climate change. The only "debate" is in the political arena because the politicians against it receive money from the fossil fuel industry to push for ignorance, just like the tobacco industry did in the 70's.

Right on. Well that's pretty interesting stuff. I guess I'm an asshole then but what's going to happen to force everyone to move to Mars isn't really what's on my mind on a daily basis. I'm more concerned with what I think are more immediate threats, like getting my ass nuked in some kind of global nuclear confrontation.


Well-Known Member
Why do spend all your time attacking people personally in every thread I've ever seen you in?
i can't speak for every thread, but in this instance it is because you are retarded beyond belief.

Having a conversation with you in real life must be hilarious. Here's an example:

Joan the sore clerk: hi there!

Buck: fuck you!

Joan the clerk: um, sir you're going to have to pay for that giant dildo you know.

Buck: shnarffle! Politics! Black good, white bad! Anus!

Joan: oh, ok, I can see you're handicapped. Hold on, I can help you...

Buck: handicapped?! citation needed! You devil white republican bitch! Gimme my studded dildo- I need to go back to
my angry sad life and yell at random people on the internet because it makes me feel better about myself and my small penis! Gimme my dildo!

Joan: sheesh, what's that tiny black man's problem?!

Buck: phew... Good to be back home with my dogs, plants, and dildo. I'm sooooo sad and angry...
i get the feeling that you're fairly racist.


Well-Known Member
i can't speak for every thread, but in this instance it is because you are retarded beyond belief.

i get the feeling that you're fairly racist.
You've pretty much proved you're the most racist person on this board, man. Everyone knows this. You can't make three posts without mentioning race- kinda the pot calling the kettle black, don't ya think?


Well-Known Member
sounds like you have plentiful posts to pick from.

so pick a racist post and show it to me.
You're not worth the three minutes of my time to go searching, man. If I gave a shit about you or if your trolling got under my skin maybe I'd go looking, but you're not worth it, sorry


Well-Known Member
You're not worth the three minutes of my time to go searching, man. If I gave a shit about you or if your trolling got under my skin maybe I'd go looking, but you're not worth it, sorry
lol, rage quit from a pathetic loser.

keep your dumb ass over in toke and talk. you can't last ten posts here without a meltdown like you just had.


Well-Known Member
Right on. Well that's pretty interesting stuff. I guess I'm an asshole then but what's going to happen to force everyone to move to Mars isn't really what's on my mind on a daily basis. I'm more concerned with what I think are more immediate threats, like getting my ass nuked in some kind of global nuclear confrontation.
I didn't mean to imply everyone is going to have to move to Mars, just that if we do nothing about the human aspect of climate change, we will reach a point in about 50-100 years where we won't be able to do anything about it, the proverbial "meteor" will hit us and we'll have to deal with the consequences (which will affect every living thing on the Earth). It'll be much easier to deal with now while it's not greatly affecting us to the point of hindering scientific progress and technological advancement. We have a window to act so we have to act now.


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean to imply everyone is going to have to move to Mars, just that if we do nothing about the human aspect of climate change, we will reach a point in about 50-100 years where we won't be able to do anything about it, the proverbial "meteor" will hit us and we'll have to deal with the consequences (which will affect every living thing on the Earth). It'll be much easier to deal with now while it's not greatly affecting us to the point of hindering scientific progress and technological advancement. We have a window to act so we have to act now.
I like that, that makes sense to me. Where are you getting the timeline from though? How do we know we're all so fucked in a little while?


Well-Known Member
I like that, that makes sense to me. Where are you getting the timeline from though? How do we know we're all so fucked in a little while?
I get that timeline from the IPCC report, you can view it here; http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/

Specifically from Chapter 2 of the Mitigation of Climate Change report on risk assessment, you can view that here; http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg3/ipcc_wg3_ar5_chapter2.pdf

Most reports I've read put the window at 50-100 years, there are some that say it's irreversible and others that are a little more liberal with high end estimate, but the overwhelming consensus in the scientific community is that we should act as soon as possible because the sooner we do, the less money we spend fixing it and the less of a general hassle it'll be, which makes sense, right? Think of it like cancer, you catch it early your chances of survival are a lot higher than if you catch it later


Well-Known Member
blah blah blah

Sorry had to take a piss real quick.

Give up and move on to your next trolling victim, Buck. The problem with picking on me is that to bother me you'll have to find another method- because I just don't give a shit really, and I don't get too serious into any subjects anywhere on RIU. Unlike a lot of your other arguments where people get pissed off at you, I welcome it and laugh because I can't figure out why anyone would battle wits in a pot head weed growers forum. I just can't. If anyone had any true intelligence- including yourself- they'd be on a science forum or a politics forum, not a stoner weed one.

I appreciate your hard work though, and you're tenacious, but you'll have to find another method to prod me.


Well-Known Member
I get that timeline from the IPCC report, you can view it here; http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/

Specifically from Chapter 2 of the Mitigation of Climate Change report on risk assessment, you can view that here; http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg3/ipcc_wg3_ar5_chapter2.pdf

Most reports I've read put the window at 50-100 years, there are some that say it's irreversible and others that are a little more liberal with high end estimate, but the overwhelming consensus in the scientific community is that we should act as soon as possible because the sooner we do, the less money we spend fixing it and the less of a general hassle it'll be, which makes sense, right? Think of it like cancer, you catch it early your chances of survival are a lot higher than if you catch it later
Yeah, no I get the idea of course and the cancer point as well- it all makes sense. I'll read it in a few. interesting stuff, thanks.

look forward to reading it in a bit.


Well-Known Member
Sorry had to take a piss real quick.

Give up and move on to your next trolling victim, Buck. The problem with picking on me is that to bother me you'll have to find another method- because I just don't give a shit really, and I don't get too serious into any subjects anywhere on RIU. Unlike a lot of your other arguments where people get pissed off at you, I welcome it and laugh because I can't figure out why anyone would battle wits in a pot head weed growers forum. I just can't. If anyone had any true intelligence- including yourself- they'd be on a science forum or a politics forum, not a stoner weed one.

I appreciate your hard work though, and you're tenacious, but you'll have to find another method to prod me.
did you just respond twice to the same post?


that's a meltdown right there.