The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
No Irish? Nigga pls...I'll call round for tea n b4 she knows it my family will be there drinking all her sherry n pimes


Well-Known Member
I personally love all things irish, only thingy im a lil bit not ok wiv is full rug ginger muff, nah, this is the centuary of the razor imo


Well-Known Member
i dont mind xmas, is a good excuse to drink more, eat more n generaly indulge ''fuck it its christmas'' lol not a fan of birthdays that just a reminding your a year closer to death!

i have a very small family aswel so apart from the kids n 2 reletives aint that much either to spend on prezzies, think ill treat meself to some crack n a kindle for crimbo.


Well-Known Member
Evening chaps, I've been AWOL , had a heart attack few weeks back !,I'm still here bigger & better . Ide just spent £2000 on my grow room b4 it happend !, alien hydro system , all heaters , fans electronically monitored & adjusted ect , what a ball ache. Any way hope u r all good. Happy Christmas .


Well-Known Member
yackyda? means where the fuk u been wf, sorry to hear about the ticker, I was at the docs for th same shir cept it was me mrs not my heart givin me gip lol


Well-Known Member
Ow be Z ? , I had a bad turn pulling some pallets of a wagon, felt like I was being stabbed in the chest with an ice pick !, my HGV licence nowsuspended-until I've seen the cardiologist .great xmass present !. Going to be home for a while now, ah well, I can sort my room now


Well-Known Member
Ow be Z ? , I had a bad turn pulling some pallets of a wagon, felt like I was being stabbed in the chest with an ice pick !, my HGV licence nowsuspended-until I've seen the cardiologist .great xmass present !. Going to be home for a while now, ah well, I can sort my room now
yeah bro that's the pain u get, its bad enuff without bitches fukin shit worse imo


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your alright baz shame about the job and what not but at least your in 1 piece ay mate....u should have a young skin throwing your pallets about for ya.....lije u say tho at least you can get all your fancy grow set up ;)